
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

Searching The Sky's For You....

I have not shared this track with many, Not for a specific reason, just haven't...but in celebration of 'The Beatles 50th Aniversary' on the Ed Sullivan show...the beginning of my 'Life' both as a regular joe and a want to be me indivigual...at the point of my history playing music, by 1980 I had taught myself to play Bass Guitar right handed ( I was a lefty like Paul McCartney ) and had been in three or four different Bands from 1975 to 1979. Not a very deep history but I was fortunate to have had really great friends who were musicians and allowed me in their circle and to gain a great respect for them as well as for the music. This song lyricly couldn't be any simplier then it appears...on purpose I must admitt, my talient as a writer was imerging slowly...as for the idea behind the song...The Beatles 'All My Love'n' and I want to 'Hold your Hand' probably jump out more significantly..all ther songs had a mortal affect on me...I had just met this lovely girl named Frances, I knew she was out there, hopefully for me...I believed that and thats where this song goes... I have never been good at protraiting others in music, but in this particular case it was all I wanted to do. I had inlisted a group of life long friends and bandmates who honored me with there playing on this my first ever Studio recording...Craig Thornburg on backing vocals,( a major Ringo Fan ) Drums, Tubular Bells and Gong, David Bailey on Rythym Guitar and backing vocals ( leader of the first band I was ever in with him called 'Jesse Blue', Robert 'Bob' Perry on Backing vocals, second Rythym and Lead Guitar, and me singing lead, Bass Guitar ( Rickenbacher 4001 Stereo ) and Tamborine. Recorded By: Rich Granum in Port Angeles, Washington. I was sick with a severe sinus infection which attributes to the high nasally sound of my voice...anyway this song was what I felt and was trying to portrait given the way I felt about 'The Beatles'. To all of The Beatles and to all of us who love them still to this day...I share this Song with you! Thank You, Peace!

Old thoughts, modern times...

Old thoughts, modern times... by Burt K. Arthur

...I have always been a bit antique...I hold on to alot of old wisdoms, common sense kinda things. Admittedly I try to be a good boy but, well you know we are all just a bit human...this song was written back in 1996 shortly after Robbie Robertson produced the sound track for a Native American Documentry on PBS that sealed my fate to write this song and a number of simular tracks there after...it doesn't really point at an identifier like a specific place in time or an indivgual but...kinda hits on a Philosophical nature about lifes travels in general...and has an uplifting nature about it...I hope at least it does for me...anyway I I have the original recording and it is exciting but I am going to rerecord this song next...in the next couple of weeks I am hoping. in the meantime here are the lyrics for you to ponder...Peace eah!

FreeBorne Copyright 10/20/1996 Written By: Burt K. Arthur/NorthernBandit

From the land of ice blue water Where visions are so clear You can reach right up and touch the sky Never leave the ground from where you stand Only in your deepest dreams Somewhere far away Could anything compare to this If comparisons could be made When you look out into the western sky Do you imagine what you would see Is it what you think you want Or what you think you need Just because the rumors say The pastures are so green When you take a glimpse before you now Is your spirit truly free One day someone will be telling you It is the struggle and the fight That leads you to happiness Above the struggle and the strife Just remember there is one thing You just can’t forget That bridges burned along the way Will haunt you till the end Like the sunrise in the morning Just before the break of day If you watch in the distance carefully You will see just what I mean You don’t have to think about anything You don’t even have to feel All you have to do is believe Then being is revealed

Brave New World...

...The amazing thing about the late Sixties and early 70's was that the Music Industry for Rock was just really coming into its own and the talient pool was maturing expodentially...the market had not reach a saturation point and everybody who was just trying to be creative was pushing the envolope in their fields of expertise. All these Artists where drawing from a back long of 30 or 40 years of history starting with Robert Johnson and blowin right up through BB King...and everyone inbetween...Blues infected everything Rock...Musicians were finding their character by interpeting The Blues in a more powerful relm of Les Pauls, Strats...Thunderious Bass and Drummers that could carry the rythme with their Bass Drum alone and the Vocal an equal in the delivery of the source of power in the Music Industry...High Fidelity...the improvement of Stereo and the developement of better recording equiptment sent us all scrambling for the new sounds...we had reason to listen it was exciting...I can remember seemlessly talking with friends and fellow musicians about new equiptment and which new LP I was going out to get cause it was so hot! I also remember a person at one point couldn't keep up with the new technowledgy...the Music industry was on fire. Rock was in the air!

"You had a vision Ray" Quote from "Thunder Heart"

This Song 'No Man' was directly inspired by this movie " ThunderHeart " with Val Kilmer (ThunderHeart), Graham Greene (Tribal Law Officer). I have always for no proven connection other them my soul felt close to the Spirit of Native American Peoples...this movie, fictional but with a lot truth not necessarily factual in the sence of the plot of the film...goes the full gammit of issues we face as Human Beings...things that tear at my being and shake my soul to cryout for all peoples who are held down and not allowed to be free as all humans should be. There is alot to be said for Native American teachings and the truths that they bare...we would be wise beyond our means to listen...The wind calls our names.

Blown Clear...

Ok...heres the scoop...I have long admired WishBone Ash a great British Blues Rock Duel Guitar Band...but I could never emulate them in reality so I created this track to honor them with my energy having wanting to perform like them...The drums were recorded from an Alesis HR-16 Drum machine the I use to have but the remainer is all me produced trying to sound like one of my all time favorite Bands...I hope you will enjoy the song as much as I did writing and recording it in 1990...ythis very day as I still enjoy listening to it with the volume up loud! Peace.

Reflextions in music...Life!

Good Day Eah! Yesterday I was reading a recent interview with Bruce Springsteen...some might say...ah Blah but I will tell you that was not the case. In all levels of music and the people that are involved, the undeighable human spirit is a lesson in living! Bruce... talked at great length about the inter twinnings of souls and the dynamic it creates and how his experience has developed toward letting go of so many of the things he thought he needed to have control over...as he mentioned he realized this after they had gone into the studio and completed the album but in all his endevors could not get the record to sound the way he wanted it to...He had ran out of energy and was fizzling. I have often thought for myself how great it would be to have a producer who liked what I did to that point of seeing a vision of my ideas and take it to the next level but I fear I am beyond any such recognition...but to read the THE BOSS was still in search gives me some solus knowing that even the Best of the Best has his moment of wondering...and has the ability to ask for help. As Bruce goes on to say he found a 'New' Producer who grabbed hold of and excited the Album, came up with the missing link and put life back into an already energize thought. That my friends would be quite exciting I am sure...So I wish the best for all of you who play, sing, record...embed yourself in your craft... Just remember that even though you can do it all, sometimes we at some point need alittle help...don't be afraid to ask...

Post release Gaba Gaba

Alright... Redundency at it's finest... I'll go again at trying to explain myself in regard to the song I just released...for this I share weather you care or not... In writing this New Song it arrived via a period over the last few weeks of me watching some old Deep Purple youtube shots of my favorite British Hard Rock Band Deep Purple...I have had a collection of ther material for years,,,and had my go around jamming a few of their Classics but never really played any of their songs in a Band... They like many Rock Groups of the Late Sixtys and early Seventys get a bumRap because their most popular songs got etched into our minds by the MOR staff at so many Radio Stations world wide that at some point we go into 'Shut down mode' at the first few moments of notes of some of their Classic tracks. This particular song 'On That DAY' is a Blues song with the punctuation on "Heavy" like Deep Purple could provide...monster KeyBoards and Bass, solid Drums, a vocal with a particular point in reference and a Guitar that helps to reinforce the Keyboard and answer back the singer with emotional clarity...Rock, in my belief to be the only way it can be...in your face... with a rythme that does not leave you to drift off but drives you down the road to destiny! In rememberence of John Lord, Peace!

New's Alert "Flash"

Available for your listening just completed 'On That Day'.... Brand New for 2014...This track inspired by Deep Purples keyboard player, the late but not forgotten "John Lord" RIP

New Recording nearly finished...

Hey, Hi there again...further update 'Flash' ...to start with my favorite NFL Team won today...The Seattle Seahawks WooHoo!...as a result I felt compelled to work on...'On That Day' and with some suprise finished the recording with a guitar and percussion track added. Only Seven tracks total...the song is full enough, don't want to "Over Kill" the idea with too much stuff. Also I bagged using the GT Strat...has a ground problem that I couldn't dance around...kept a lot of noise in the mix no matter if I held the neck or found the zone to stand in...I'll have to repair it when I change the strings...the Floyd Rose Tremolo makes it difficult to work on because I need to pull the strings and pickguard off ( Houses all the electronics )to get to the ground at the Bridge pickup that probabaly needs resodering. So the picture I am adding...simular but different is because I played Valentine on this song...I think it tune out alright...and I also added a Tamborine to the mix... Spent about and hour listening after I finished reoording at various levels and adjustment, I want to get the mix as tight as possible...but have stopped untill tomorrow to give my ears a rest. I am looking forward to playing it for all of you here soon...Over and Out...NB

New Song...'On That Day' Update*

Just to reiterate what I have said before, I do this because I love it...Rock, Blues what ever you choose...for me playing music is about the connection, the emotion and the drama in a song, the build up for a slow boiling tempo or the Get in you face drive of a Rocker right from the opening beat or note. it is what makes music matter to me besides the message of the lyric if there is one and we all know it's up to the listener as to how they connect...most usually thats what will make a song great ( Popular ) or 'Pop' as it is commonly known. As I had told you before I have already started on my first new song for 2014 titled "On That Day" and things are going well. This morning I was able to lay down the basic Drum beat having already completed the Bass Guitar, Keyboards and Vocal...I had a half dozen listen throughs and various adjustment and came up with the mix for the first Bounce in my eight track recording. I am pleased so far. What comes next is a bit of a juggle, a Lead Guitar part for sure and perhaps some other hand percussion, I experimented a little this morning after jamming with the recorded tracks and have a good idea as where it will go but now it is a matter of time management with little time to spare. For those who care or pay attention to things like these, something I have learned is that it calls for the right amout of time. My ear has a tendonency to get tried which means it's time to take a rest and then there is the issue of trying not to rush the project, thats when I usually have failures and frustration because I overlook the simole things like saving the recording/data... The Keyboard turn out fantastic and off sets the Bass Guitar wonderfully. Tha Vocals is pretty good too, The basic Drums well it works, I don't have room for or have a real Kit so I make do... The really cool part about it is I am enjoying myself and I hope in some way that come out in the recording... Peace to the World and to all of you my friends, Peace!