
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

One More Day song Release notice

Greetings, It is hard to believe its been a whole month since I began this project, yesterday July 20th the 'Tape was in the can' so to speak concerning the final mix on my new song 'One More Day' Co-Writtened, Arranged, Produced and played on by none other then my friend Victor Snow. This song is Dedicated to our mutual friend from Dundee, Scotland... Kenneth Bruce. Thank you Ken for the great inspiration and conversation during our journey. Please stay tuned...it is coming!

New Song "One More Day'

...as denoted 'Spoiler Alert' here, the song is getting closier to compleation, It is exciting to see the developement of the track from it's origin which was from a simple acoustic guitar and vocal structure...to, well you'll just have to wait...thanks for staying tuned! Peace.

Thank You!

A note to those of you who rushed and took a listen and read alittle about my efforts to be entertaining for you...it is about music, style, the personnal effort and the sharing of ideas that makes Rock and Roll great...again thank you!

Money Down...

So...in the relm and Iconisphire of Rock and Roll one name always comes to my mind...not always for everyone else but for me It's the band FOGHAT. If you want to get infused with some hard rockin Drums and Bass and a killer vocalist/guitarist and Lead guitar Band search no further...my favorite record of theirs is 'Energized' you should give it a listen. The reason I loved them so much is because they could take a simple lyric and drive it down the road to freedom...well that was the inspiration behind this song by me called " Money Down". Now I am a far cry from 'forget about tomorrow leave the past behind' but this song imbodies youthful excitement and the desire to live for the moment...when you are young which once I was that is what we aspired to...I hope you will enjoy this song...Turn the volume up, it is time to Rock!

Spoiler Alert "One More Day"

Greetings all you Rock and Roll Maniacs out there''' as noted "Spoiler Alert": The section you will be hearing in the beginning of the second verse...I won't say anymore than that except this to me is so infectious I hope you will agree... Read the Lyrics...listen to the 1:08 blip here and tell me what you think. Thank you very much...Peace!

"One more Day"

NorthernBandit June 20. ...last night I was feelin the bite ( bite as in chew ) of creativity and so I grabbed my EJ200, note pad and stepped out on the veranda to see what I could come up with not really thinking anything would happen, maybe just get some calouses ( on my fingers, guitar playing does that to you if you play long enough ) time in but what to my suprise...after about five minutes I had written a lyric and created a new song...and it is called " One more Day ". not in the sense of oh...bummer it's one more day but more like...I've been given one more day! With a great big thank you behind it...we all have our routines...you could call them ruts for that matter...we all get comfortable with the ease of our exsistence and we can also get frustrated by it but one thing is for certain, each of us have the opportunity to reach out and shake things up, break up the dull and dreary and breathe in a little more sunshine then we did yesterday... ...look around at your surrounding, recognize things you have never seen and marvel at the wonder and the beauty of your life. The song is coming soon with the help and partisipation of some friends I am going to share the creation with. I hope they will enjoy it too. One more Day!

All I need is love...

Well, I am gradually slipping off the charts, of course it doesn't mean that much...life and time move cyclicely, but Y'all can help...listen to some of my self imposed and composed music...and make a comment, click a like button...hell, even rattle a can! Tell someone else about me...but I guess if you don't like what you hear that might not be good for my cause. Thank you for sharing and showing your support...after all music is free from me and I only hope you enjoy what you hear...it is only Rock and Roll! Peace. Sincerely, your humble Rocker...Burt K. Arthur/NorthernBandit

New Song " FreeBorne " ...all about it!

So ya know...this track inspired in part by the late Huey Thomasson of 'The OutLaws' fame...very unique vocal quality ( that which I don't have ) and the Stratocaster Guitar sound, but what also inspired me and this song was Robbie Robertson and his work with the Red Road Ensemble...my connection to our native American brothers ( I say this out of respect to all native peoples in America and world wide )...a cry to remaining to be human and having a connection to the earthly elements...and the things in your heart, mind and spirit! ...I hope you will enjoy!

A Story...song Review...

Review of a Song Featuring ‘A Story’ copyright by: Burt K. Athur/NorthernBandit May 26, 2014

…It has been said by many a parent, friend and business professional to the creature of a creative mind ‘don’t quite your day job…if you think you’ll make it in music, it’s a one in a million shot, you’ll need to have a backup plan’. Funny thing is I never quite my day job to be a Musician and thats alright by me. I don’t have any faith in believing that what I do will ever have an impact in the professional world of the Songwriter and Performer but what do have is faith in myself to be who I want to be with integrity and focus.

Early last week, May 19th 2014, I released the second version of ‘A Story’ on Jango, SoundCloud, Tune.Org, FaceBook, and The SpotLiteZone. Originally written and recorded back in May of 2012. I am very pleased with the final production and thankful for the collaboration by Victor Snow of Kansas City Missouri who paid a great compliment to the song, a Singer/Songwriter, Producer/Engineer I met on ReverbNation a few weeks ago. I got the opportunity to ask him to take a listen and tell me if he might develop a Drum and Percussion track in this final mix with great inspiration to my original idea that is what he did.

The Song is loosely based from my contact with ‘The Hobbit’ and tells of the drama between the innocent, the power hungry and the righting of wrong. Over the years I have been influenced by Hard Rock and Heavy Metal Music and as such this song took on a dynamic that I enjoyed from the song ‘Run to the hills’ by Iron Maiden. The power of a full on assault, hard driving like a charge of horses and the energy of thunder and lightning to dramatize the eminent racing of hearts and the need to survive victorious!

This is probably my most inspired Lead guitar work ever, my focus was to have the guitar take on a run from start to finish, soaring, punctuating and driving the melody and accompanying the vocal, surprisingly so I did this all in one take…a feet I can barely say I planned…it was magical the way it happen.

The rhythm section of the song, the base element for its being needed to contribute to the idea of urgency, again focusing on the rush of a battle on the fields of Mordor, I believe captures that very essence.

I am but an amateur in the bigger picture of things but I love what I do in music no matter how juvenile…I am the lyricist, a story teller, a keeper of words and an admirer of the craft of creating music…not all things are equal but sometimes all things come together and leave desire by the wayside and creates harmony in the soul that is searching…I believe I found peace in this endeavor. I hope you enjoy it too!

thisNew and improved song titled "A Story" Featuring Victor Snow on Drums

You have got to check this out...a quick post to let you know that in the last week or so I met a fellow Artist and Instrumentalist named Victor Snow from Kansas City, Mo. via ReverbNation...Through messaging and conversation we collaborated on this track and Victor worked his engineering magic and Drum playing to give the song the boost it needs...besure to play this loud...it's a Rock song and deserves the attention...and please be sure to check out Victor Snow on ReverbNation...he is a Great Writer, and Performer...Thank you Victor for the fantastic fun in this one off adventure! Peace.