
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

Just words? Not!

A new writing...from me! Tell me what you think it represents eah? Of the Mountain Written By: Burt K. Arthur*Copyright March 3rd 2015 Light from light the Arkenstone Visions might be so clear Brave hearted deep with soul Fighting for what they believe If by fire and if by flame Their truth is tempered solid gold And the glory of the riches Come on the breath of those before Soon will come the days of those who gave the future light Beyond the mighty who had fell and those that stood to fight Tales of the story told to young and old this day Never to be sacrificed from the fate their strength would bring So high up in the mountain keep Strange stories of the hoard The Dragon and the riches Of the kings once mighty throne As the day will end The day s last glimmering light In some the faith they once had reduced To nary a flicker of hope that night The strength of the mighty who come to take their spoils To fight the battle that grows deep in the bowels of the land To have true glory of a battle so well fought Glory to the victors and defeat of evil evermore

I am a Dreamer!

I am but a Dreamer...can't help it. Reality however is forever in the way. I just finished reading a story about Randy Bachmann and his new album and 'the oh my freaking glob moments' he had up to, during and in production...what an amazing journey, it made me smile cause I could feel the joy he was having doing this record! Now I can't profess any similarity between myself and Mr. Bachmann except for maybe the passion of playing music and guitars...and the desire to do something worthy and full of energy. I don't know about anyone else...but I am in the best music form I have ever been. I turn 62 this year and don't have any negative feelings about my playing and still am excited about creating new music. The only down fall for me is that I am landlocked from the ocean of good producers and engineers who like in Randy Bachmanns case have launched him in oh such a wonderful place musically. Maybe I'm just venting...sorry for the grief. Creativity is a double edge sword. One that is tempered and stressed like a battle on the field of life. My sounding board has always been my peers, somewhat disjointed but respectively appreciated. I will admit to being a hack at production...I only know what I know...which I am severely handicapped as an engineer due to hardware and technical prowess issues but you can't fault me for trying. Maybe you will. All I know is in this present sense of reality. Now is the time. Thanks for your support!

I am!

When I think about my place in the bigger scheme of Music, well I am in it but I don't see much past that point. Like genres of music and types and kinds of musicians...so as in life we as individual are but a small but important piece of the bigger picture. There are places in the world to personalize your efforts...make you feel good about your accomplishments because of your interests and endeavors but there is a price to pay as with any thing you want. When I was twenty three I was sort of on my way to seeing my dreams with more reality but I decide because of my health and a lot of back ground information...I was going to have to accomplish what I wanted to do in music from a different perspective. Now as I babble on here this is all just a lot of hot air being released...I am with out really trying to be talking about myself like I am important or something. I suppose you could say I am validating what I do. Like anyone would really care...but it is me who cares so aside from that everything else here would be well thought of encouragement by others... I shouldn't flatter myself, I am who I am because it is what I have visualized...If I had had a different picture of myself, you know like being the leader in an industry of some socially acceptable medium or anyone of a million other things then I suppose that's where I would have been. Now some people will just say that I think to much of myself...that life, is what you go through without any controls. I don't think that is so. There is a lot more a stake then we acknowledge or can pretend to know as far as what goes on in each of our life's. So having said that and compromised myself by sounding a bit of a lunatic, crazy doesn't sound that bad. But I am neither a lunatic or crazy. I am myself, 'I am'. In old eastern philosophies and many religions 'I am' is the connection to the universe, the creator. We are but this cup half empty cup half full creation...we are part of everything...we come from that wellspring or energy and all of us share this regardless of our efforts to walk away from it. So with every sunny morning and every rainy afternoon I do what I can to remember where I came from...grounding myself with what I know to myself as truth. To others I may be way off base or somewhere either left or right of the middle but what ever it is you can be assured it is who I was born to be. So forgive me if you can if I come across all full of myself...it is nothing but to prove to myself that I am alive, I am paying attention the best that I can and I am what I always wanted to be...alive. 'I am'.


Good day to ya all out there in Music Land. There have always been some really interesting abstract thinkers and non thinkers in Rock. Now I don't say that to be disrespectful but the truth is what it is... Musicians usually are of some Artsy Fartsy demographic that puts them in a genre like Impressionist painters...I won't name names, I'll just be wrong but you don't have to dig too deep to have names like Salvador Dalí or Picasso or Da Vinci...pop into you head when you think of extremes in creativity... Call it mad...lunacy, possessed but in the end as scattered a soul might be Devine order reigns supreme...Creativity comes from with in and the source is from the universe. Now some people just think it's crazy...and rightfully so to the mind that is in some sort of 'Normal' order...but you have to remember something and this is very important...'Out of Chaos comes order...and out or Order comes Chaos'! The Yin and Yang...The good and the Bad...and sometimes the Ugly. Purists will proclaim BS because of their focus. Moderation is the key to all success. In Rock and Roll it is a Krap Shoot. The whole bucket is up for grabs and no one...and I mean no one has the patient on right or wrong. Being creative is at best a contradiction unto it's self. We can create, be creative...but that usually involves thinking about what you are doing and plotting or hatching a organized plan. Real inspirational moments come like they did to Albert Einstein like when he was imagining, day dreaming about stuff. In music the same thing can happen, very spontaneous! It is those times in a creators realm that peace and beauty are shown to be exactly what they are, beautiful! Rock and Roll!

Have a great week end...and Rock!

So as the world turns...yeah I said it. You all take some time...sit back, lay back...but take some time to listen to some good music...what ever it might be...if you feel like Rockin you know you can always come and listen to my favorite Rock and Blues at Radio Station 'NorthernBandit'! Stay tuned in and turned on! Peace!

It's a beautiful day in Music Land!

It's a beautiful day in music land... So often in Recording we hear about artist who went into the Studio late in the day and wrapped things up at 5AM...weather it is by demand or choice who knows. I have to approach recording at what ever moment is available. This morning it was before I came to my real job at 7 AM...with 15 minutes to lay down my Lead Vocal for the song I have been telling you about called 'A Man Of Simple Means'. Last night I punched out a bit of percussion and listened back to the scratch vocal I did but did not have the time to work it out so I went to bed last night all excited about nailing the vocal as soon as I could. This morning it happened and it turned out as good or better then I expected. Had been thinking about Ian Gillian of Deep Purple and had this idea that I hadn't last night and so I employed it with good result this morning...within just two takes! Bam! As I mentioned before this is a Blues Rocker...but what I'm not going to do is tell you what influenced me or who to write this piece...it just kinda came about starting with the Bass Guitar. Keep on Rockin mates! More to come.

Pun Intended!

January 27th 2015... ..and so a brand new year is upon us my friends. Rock and Roll is in the air and the volume of Guitars, Amps and the playing of Drums and singing to the expression of your soul is here! Rejoice for the God's of Thunder beckon all those who hear the pounding and the defiant screams of youth and the dreams of older men still spirited with an energy not waning but revitalized by our vibrant history of Blues, Rock and Metal. Do not be disillusioned by the Pop culture or of the constant barrage of commercial TV Idol hype...for it is but short lived and the future is at hand. Be strong in the beliefs you hold true for the future is but a chorus away from completeness and the Mixing console of our dreams will deliver the fruit of our labor to those who hunger for true inspiration. Today is not a day to fold and turn and be silent but a day to say and be heard among the multitudes...It will be Rock!

Of those earlier years...

Greetings to all of you, Something that has crossed my mind more then a few times but has never been an easy settle is how Independent Singer/Songwriters, Musicians these days have become more the trees in the forest as compared to the old growth tree in the field. Now what I mean by this seeming twist of words is the fact that today there are so many creative people actively writing and creating that in this example we seem to be lost in the forest of ambition. Some for money and fame...vice and personal triumph or the desire to just be creative. The problem with just being creative is the linier movement of success is severely limited by being inactive in the Entertainment snake pit which I chose decades ago not to want after. So for me there really isn't a dilemma but a reckoning with my own self interests. A constant walking in the wilderness, dealing with the what if I had done things differently would I have been any happier, but you know it is a self defeating exercise in 'why ask why'. I am happy doing just what I do but...the limelight of entertainment is always beaconing...oh to be on stage again and feel the thrill of the moment...the roar of the crowd, the pounding of the drums and the Rock and Roll! Peace!

Of Fender Stratocaster and Gibson Les Paul dreams...

The genuine nature of 60's and 70's Rock and Roll, Rock and Blues permeates the air with the desire of every young want to be to capture a piece of history. Not everyone can aspire to all things and some will persevere do so with the DNA of Fender and Gibson guitars instinctively in their blood before they ever have their very first one in their hands...and so from the examples of our fascination we Rock...or what have you I am fortunate that after forty some years playing the Bass and guitar I play both...even went so far as to have a Strat built for me in 1985 just the way I wanted it...inspired by the Late Great Stevie Ray Vaughn and on the other hand I love the meat and potato's aspect of having a les Paul Standard too...These two Icons are Rock and Roll...and they will live on as destiny would have it, Forever!

Blah, Blah, Blah...

So for all you Blues Katz and Kittenz out there I've rearanged the first 6 tracks in my song line up...take you pick or go for it and listen to all six...What you are going to find is a a variety of Blues...those songs that I have written, performed and recorded cause I like the groove, sound and style of some of the greatest bands and Artists in my life. In order of performance...Like Stevie Ray Vaughn, WishBone Ash, Led Zeppelin(Robert Plant specificly), Deep Purple, can't put my finger on it by something from the Carolina's, Osarks...Swampy and mysterious...and lastly kinda Climax Blues Band...Fleetwood Mac. Anyway this discriptions are not at drive the nail home just to give you where my affections come from and where I'm drive from. I hope you will enjoy the Blues I have created...you know we all carry the Blues you just have to let it out. Thank you for listening! Peace