
Bruce Maier Band / Blog

Best Bruce Maier Band ever!

With a lot of work, long rehearsals etc. almost any band can get " good ". But what makes this band exceptional is the friendship, the brother and sisterhood . It's not just about me, Bruce Maier, it's about the team, the family. Damn right I'm proud!

Being In A Band

I've been in a band since I was fourteen years old. It's not always easy and not for everyone and I think musicians find that it's a true relationship, not just a job. You've got to rehearse, perform, travel and share accommodations with your band mates and you've got to trust them, as they do you. We are human and tempers will be tested at times. There's an easier way; just get an acoustic guitar and do a solo act. You'll probably make a whole lot more money but the question remains - will you have as much fun? What about the security of strength in numbers when travelling, being paid in cash all alone before you head out to your car after the show? So many different aspects to consider but for me, though I enjoy playing solo, being in a band, working with others at times kinetically and being able to build emotion into an audience together..well there's simply no greater " high ". I love being in a band and I'd love to hear from any of you who are also in bands. Tell me what it feels like to you to be in a band. I'd love to hear from you! Bruce

Jamming The Blues in Olympia

Every Sunday and Thursday evening my friends in Blues Bentley Band, a progressive Blues act sponsor jam sessions. Sundays at O'Malley's Restaurant in Olympia, and Thursdays at The Junction Sports Lounge on the old highway 99 near Grand Mound WA. As most jams go these gigs never pay enough to live on but they provide an outlet for a lot of players who are between music jobs, are looking to network with others to possibly find or start up a band. Some folks want to just try out the latest riff or chops and have a couple cold ones in the process. Whatever the motivation, I love jams ! See some of you this Thursday at the Junction as I sit in for Mr. Bentley once again.

Motorcycles and Music

There is a freedom acquired when riding street motorcycles that you just have to experience to know. Millions of people love bikes, BBQ functions and gatherings especially when there is a Live band. I get to be that guy, that entertainer who is also a rider and have logged tens of thousands of solo miles cross-country. I know why they do it, why they ride. And, I know why music is an important part of our culture. So glad to be a part of both worlds, I will be with my band Saturday the 27th at NW Harley Davidson in Lacey Washington putting on a show. Some days are just better than others!

Importance of preparation

Some would say that rehearsing is a waste of time but I don't agree. When you do the work ahead of the performances and everyone knows their parts in their sleep, then the show can and will run like a well-oiled machine ! Happy rehearsing!

Supporting songwriter Ben Potter

This weekend members of my group will be appearing with Ben Potter for his exciting CD Release party in Chehalis Washington. It will be held at Jeremy's Farm To Table Restaurant. Show Ben some love, he's a great writer and entertainer !

Politics Aside

Music is a gift and some of us have been at it for a long time. Though we writers and poets are reflective of our environment I think it is prudent to stay focused on what it is we do and use caution before we make political speeches or talk about someone else's religion or lifestyle. There are so many incredible subjects in life with which we can reflect and use our music to send out our messages. There are enough politicians standing at the podiums and enough finger-pointers. Our elders used to tell us " be mindful with your tongue ".

Why The Man On The Inside?

When I built this Reverb Nation page I felt stronger placing some original music here than doing covers . My band enjoys doing other artists songs a lot and it's really hard to define our genre. So I just stood by my own works in hope you'd like it. The Man On The Inside comes from my Road Of Dreams CD which is available on iTunes, CD Baby and many other places. It's a story song about a young man who always knew in his heart he had what it takes to make it in music, though his family didn't believe in him. This is fictitious in my case but I've met a lot of musicians who never gt any backing or respect from their parents or families. The character in the story becomes addicted and all caught up in the " fast-lane " world of fame and fortune until one day he sees his reflection and is jolted back to reality which causes him to go through rehab, clean up and rise above the ashes. He comes back stronger than ever and tells all the old cronies and " fat cat " dealers cons, agents and liars he'd never again be anyone's fool - at the end lamenting " The Man On The Inside Still Believes In Me ". That last line is something borrowed from myself because I've never stopped believing. You've got to hold on to your dreams and work hard - never give in, never give up. Bruce Maier

Discovering new music

Each and every day I find new and innovative music artists here on ReverbNation, my new # 1 conduit to the future of music!

Rehearsals Why?

We rehearsed last night because we Love to make the music better. Doing a super-integration of new member Kim Pilz as second Lead Singer in our shows. I haven't been this charged up with a singing partner for a very long time. This is going to be one hell of a show!