
girlierox / Comments

Steve Kelly & Andy Towell
Steve Kelly & Andy Towell  (over 14 years ago)
Hello,thanks for the comment,glad you like the songs. I shall have a listen to your stuff tomorrow while drinking tea and eating chocolate!!
Jandro Is Not A Band
Jandro Is Not A Band  (over 14 years ago)
I love Rock the floor! Thanks for being a fan. Come check out my new song when you get a minute.
Cuyler Boys Band
Cuyler Boys Band  (over 14 years ago)
Hi from Denver, The Boys will not practice, They are dancing around to Your music instead.-- Rick Saint
Cricketrix  (over 14 years ago)
Your sound is raw and innovative. I love the fusion of gritty organic strings and imaginative electronics. Rock steady Girlierox.
City of Ashes
City of Ashes  (over 14 years ago)
Hey how's it all going, we remember your comment about one of our tracks called 'The Art of Opacity', well we've just uploaded our version from our first E.P. called 'When Black Fuels Blood'. Let us know what you think and keep rocking. Steve - City of Ashes -
Whyte Zebra
Whyte Zebra  (over 14 years ago)
Thanks for the nice comment mate! All the best with your music, Andy Whyte Zebra
Dj Sundance
Dj Sundance  (over 14 years ago)
yea ' rock the floor' is great track, nice one!
City of Ashes
City of Ashes  (over 14 years ago)
Hey dude, cheers for the feedback glad you like the sounds. We've just finished recording our E.P. with 'The Art of Opacity' as the 1st track. We will be putting them up as soon as its finished. Keep in touch Steve/Guitars - City of Ashes -
thepoisoner  (over 14 years ago)
Totally lovin 'rock the floor' reminds me a bit of cubanate, would love to use that guitar riff as a sample in a track if you're up for it?
Dan McGuinness
Dan McGuinness  (over 14 years ago)
Hope you're doing well out there.... Keep up the good work and thanks for keeping me posted! Much love from Chicago!