
girlierox / Comments

Sonya Stewart
Sonya Stewart  (over 14 years ago)
Hello Girlie, Having a girlie listening night tonight - your tracks so rock mizz rock queen! Dig your soundz missy! Have a lovely xmas too! S.
limey59  (over 14 years ago)
THANK YOU for fantastic music, and wish you all the best for the Season, and a ROCKIN' 2010!
StarWing Productions
StarWing Productions  (over 14 years ago)
Hi girlierox! Dropping in to enjoy "Dance all Night" Alive and vibrant!! Funky and Wild!!! Much Love, DestinationDawn StarWing Productions
Doug Sheppard
Doug Sheppard  (over 14 years ago)
I really love,"Rock the Floor" :D
Rock Mail
Rock Mail  (over 14 years ago)
Thanks for complimenting our guitarist. I've enjoyed rockin out to your music!
Marija  (over 14 years ago)
YOu go GIRL!! Loved listening to Rock the floor. I will take a deeper listnen tomorrow when I rise.. its like 3 am.. but I may just ROCK THE FLOOR.. wake the neighbors!! Good on you, Marija
Netty Mac
Netty Mac  (over 14 years ago)
You music is refreshing Grace!! Keep the great tunez comin'!!! Cheerz & have a HUGE day!!
Mat Toronto
Mat Toronto  (over 14 years ago)
Nice Songs and playing. I like Rock and Electronics mixed well and stirred. I'm Reverbnation.com/MatToronto *Rock/Comedy/Blues* and Reveerbnation.com/JamBodhi *Synth Songs and Sound Tracks I want to move to Australia, no kidding. It's cold winter in Toronto and want a climate thats warmer and I love Australia people and enivornments. Do you know Peter Gelling the Blues artist? He is quite good. Take care you warmer and luckier guy! Mat Toronto of Jambodhi/Spiritttunes/MatToronto/BluesRiverMan
Sazi Riot
Sazi Riot  (over 14 years ago)
Glamtastic is fantastic!!!!! Rockin' tune and we also get to download it thank you Girlierox you rock! :) XX
StarWing Productions
StarWing Productions  (over 14 years ago)
Dropping by to hear Glamtastic Dance and I am diggin' what I'm hearing. It's rocking glamtastic!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job Girlierox!!!You got me pumped up!!! Much Love, DestinationDawn StarWing Productions