
Larry Insana / Blog

11-28-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Thanksgiving”

11-28-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Thanksgiving” Hope you enjoy your day and if an argument starts at the dinner table just blow if off this time and live to argue another day…Happy Thanksgiving everyone…plain and simple.

11-27-13-My Morning Thoughts: “FOOD FOR THOUGHT”

11-27-13-My Morning Thoughts: “FOOD FOR THOUGHT” As we approach one of my favorite holidays and prepare for the family and friends to sit down together at the table of brotherhood and break bread (and turkey, stuffing, noodles, cranberry sauce, sweat potatoes, mash potatoes, capon, another kind of stuffing, pumpkin pie, apple pie, peach pie, cherry pie, pretzel desert, and of course some…wine) I will absolutely be thankful for what we have and I will absolutely be thinking about those who may have less and how I can improve to share more…plain and simple.

11-26-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Agora”

11-26-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Agora” This might be a little centralized to the Cleveland area but who remembers the Agora? I thought it was the coolest place to see a band back in the day! There were so many great bands back then famous and not so famous that graced that stage!...Springsteen, Artful Dodger, Todd Rundgrend, John Cougar, Michael Stanley, Joe Walsh & the James Gang, Raspberries, Southside Johnny…every week they just kept coming! What a great time to grow up in Cleveland for music in those days…and how bout those great bands that were local…Abraxas, Fair-weather, Stairway, Ichabod and so many more!...can’t remember them all, help me out…great old place and Cleveland’s never been the same musically in my opinion since it burned down…for some reason the innocence of the times burned away with it…plain and simple.

11-25-13-My Morning Thoughts: “IDK…its INSANE”

11-25-13-My Morning Thoughts: “IDK…its INSANE” As I start another Monday I reflect on the week past every once in a while just to see if I did anything special that made a difference…nothings coming to mind!...got to work harder this week……….That being said, have you seen these punks that are knocking people out for fun? Innocent people just walking down the sidewalks probably going to work or lunch or something and these punks just sneak up behind them and sucker punch them out. Let me just say this: when there caught…20 years in prison minimum sentence, anyone on these videos just watching and not doing anything at all to help…5 years minimum sentence!!!! And let me even go a bit further…if by chance I see one of these punks in this complete lack of humanity I will promise you that it will be extremely hard for me not to revert back to my youth and show them how we fought face to face!!!!!...now I am not saying anyone else take up my stance on this but I will say everyone should help and report what they know immediately if they see this insanity!…plain and simple.

11-22-13-My Morning Thoughts: OH YA…

11-22-13-My Morning Thoughts: OH YA… “Everybody’s got something to hide, sep for me and my monkey”…stopping to think every once in a while on just how many times music is intertwined with my life…there’s music on the radio theirs music on the phone there’s music on the TV there’s music in the doc office there’s music when I’m on hold on the phone there’s music on the elevators…I cannot get through a day without music!...and BTW, even if I was all alone in the woods there would still be music in my head…music can capture every emotion every fiber of my being when it hits me just right and not just all those number one’s but some of those independent artists too…listen to music people and have a great weekend while doing so…plain and simple.

11-21-13-My Morning Thoughts:

11-21-13-My Morning Thoughts: Ok this is what I got…no hate today, only love all day!…ya think we could at least try? I think we can…what do you think?...plain and simple.

11-20-13-My Morning Thoughts: I have no idea anymore!

11-20-13-My Morning Thoughts: I have no idea anymore! I’ve agreed with some democrat’s issues and I’ve agreed with some republican’s issues at various times throughout my life, mainly because I just never could be a vote down the party line kind of guy. If I liked a candidate I would do a little research and if I still liked that candidate after that research…I voted!...and not necessarily just the two biggie parties either. However, the stuff that is so overly hyped today makes it extremely hard to follow or believe half of what there spewing! On any given day I can find ten deferent answers on any one topic floating around out there! It’s insanely pathetic!...I can read and I can understand but there is just so many bold face lies that it’s just…sad. When I see video of our politicians saying something and then a few days later denying it…what kind of crap is that! Does no one have the character to say their word is their bond and mean it anymore!...and I’m not even saying be perfect but if and when you do make a mistake…JUST SAY IT!...when I was a kid and did something wrong and got caught my punishment was ten times harder if I got caught in a lie too!...not today it seems, you can say whatever you want as long as you know how to sell your way out of it…ENOUGH ALREADY!!!!!…I have to stop now cause I’m typing really hard and my fingers are beginning to hurt!...could ya tell?…plain and simple.

11-19-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Workers”

11-19-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Workers” Has an entire class of people been forgotten in this country? It appears that the working class is no longer represented or ever described in a positive way with terms such as “the backbone of our country” like it use to be. What would have been our fate without the hard workers of America? Would we even have a fate? Being realistic could anything have been accomplished without the blood and sweat of all those who day in and day out went to work, pay their bills, raise their children, help their friends, and try to achieve a part of the “Dream”. Is the term middle class fading towards the norm when classifying this group of hard workers? Is it just a thin line that separates the lower and middle and “a” threads difference of disposable income? Obviously there are hard workers at every social economic tier…but without the one main group the others most likely cease to exist. Maybe the “working class” deserves the most credit of all, maybe the “working class” is now the first class people should strive to be, maybe the “working class” should simply be treated as heroes for all their accomplishments?...maybe…plain and simple.

11-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “COOL”

11-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “COOL” Why do you think it is…that all the generations now have mixed into all the other generations? Wait I’ll explain…say for instance in the 60’s people answered statements with…that’s cool or lets rap…or in the 70’s it was like far out or ya man or in the 80’s you heard like…like…all the time…and the 90’s dude was reinvented again and 00’s…all of the above and then some! Nothing is specific to this generation…well maybe work habits but that’s a whole other thing…example: dude ya want-a go to the mall…sure man…like do you want to go after school…that’s cool…so like what are you looking to buy…like I don’t know I thought we would just hang together…far out dude…///…..or how bout tie-dyed t-shirts. 60’s then 70’s then nothing, then returning in the 90’s and never went away since. It’s probably because the really COOL things just keep on coming back and cool is cool is cool…can’t wait for bellbottoms!...plain and simple.

11-14-13-My Morning Thoughts: “A second chance”

11-14-13-My Morning Thoughts: “A second chance” What if there is life after death? What if there is reincarnation? What would we do with a second chance? What would we do with our lives if we ‘knew’ it was a rebirth and a second time around? There may be several things we would change or there may be similar paths like the first time around that we decide to do again. Anyway, whatever would or may happen I would hope that with a second chance people would care about each other a little more each time around…two or three or four times we should probably start getting it right I would hope…however, I must admit, in case there isn’t another chance why wait…maybe we should start caring a little more this time around…plain and simple.