
Larry Insana / Blog

01-16-14-My Morning Thoughts: “Show-n-Tell”

01-16-14-My Morning Thoughts: “Show-n-Tell” Hey teachers out there, do they still do show and tell in school or has that been phased out too? I was just wondering because I always like show and tell mainly because…you learned something! I mean I remember specific things that my school mates brought in to share with us. One kid folded paper into things like swans and footballs before I ever heard the word origami, some would bring some great traditional food for all to enjoy, one kid brought in a German officers knife from WWII (probably can’t do that anymore), and I remember once this kid showed how he could “pick” any lock (I don’t think things ended up to well for him in life…but it was cool at the time), another time a kid brought in his dog that did a million tricks on command…anyway, I liked show and tell and it’s amazing thinking back, how interested those who were showing something that meant something to them, did so well in their presentation! (I’m sure there’s a correlation there)...YOU KNOW?…when you’re really interested or like something it appears so much easier to talk about it…plain and simple.

01-15-14-My Morning Thoughts: “today maybe”

01-15-14-My Morning Thoughts: “today maybe” I do believe we finally, have gone too far…I don’t know why, I just do believe it…We need to get that old fashion hospitality back in our daily lives. If everyone just says hello to everyone they pass today the positive feelings just may shine right through…its worth a try don’t ya think?...ready…….HELLO……now how hard was that…I’m a little hard of hearing from all those early rock days so you better yell HELLO just a bit louder!!!....plain and simple.

01-14-14-My Morning Thoughts: “the best year ever”

01-14-14-My Morning Thoughts: “the best year ever” I’m not sure how they figure this out but my brother-in-law, actually my brother-in-law’s brother (were all like brothers anyway) told me that he read that 1978 is considered the best year since the beginning of our country. I mean I knew that cause that’s the year I graduated high school so I’m sure that’s why it was chosen…LOL…but let’s take a look at 1978…Average Cost of new house $54,800.00, Average Income per year $17,000.00, Average Monthly Rent $260.00, Cost of a gallon of gas 63 cents, 1LB of Bacon$1.20, Dozen Eggs 48 Cents, Illinois Bell Company introduces first ever Cellular Mobile Phone System, Space Invaders Launches Craze for Computer Video Games, The first computer bulletin board system BBS is created, 98% of all American homes have a television, First Test Tube Baby is born on July 25th in England a girl Louise Brown, from in vitro fertilization, nearly no unemployment, Bee Gees' "Saturday Night Fever" album goes #1 for 24 weeks, "Fantasy Island" starring Ricardo Montalban premieres on ABC TV, "Elvis: The Legend Lives!" opens at Palace Theater NYC for 101 performances, 1st Iron Man Triathlon (swim, bike ride, marathon) held, Kona, Hawaii, 20th Grammy Awards: Hotel California, Fleetwood Mac, Debbie Boone wins, 1st broadcast of "Dallas" on CBS TV, Camp David Peace Treaty Egypt makes peace with Israel, US Teachers strike extend summer holidays for thousands of students, The worst winter storm in Ohio history struck before dawn on Thursday, January 26, 1978, fashion modles; Farrah Fawcett, Suzanne Somers, Lynda Carter, Cheryl Tiegs, Iman, Christie Brinkley, "My advice to you is to start drinking heavily" - John Belushi in 'National Lampoon's Animal House', Ben and Jerry opened their first ice cream parlor in Burlington, Vermont, Home Depot was founded in Atlanta, Georgia, movie of the year “The Deer Hunter”, most popular TV shows; 1. Laverne & Shirley (ABC) 2. Happy Days (ABC) 3. Mork & Mindy (ABC) 4. Three's Company (ABC) 5. Angie (ABC) 6. 60 Minutes (CBS) 7. M*A*S*H (CBS) 8. The Ropers (ABC) 9. All In The Family (CBS) 10. Taxi (ABC), average price of a car- $6, 000 bucks, On this day in history U.S. senate deliberations are broadcast live on radio for the first time, The first satellite of the new Navy Fleet Satellite Communications System was launched. This system satisfies the need for worldwide tactical command control and communications for the entire fleet on this day in history, "Hello, Dolly!" opens at Lunt-Fontanne Theater NYC for 152 performances on this day in history, Boston Celtics draft Larry Bird with the 6th pick of the NBA Draft, George W. Bush Loses Election for the House of Representatives, Susan B. Anthony Becomes First Woman to be on a Circulating US Coin, The Lord Of The Rings Soundtrack Is Released, Van Halen Releases "Van Halen", Gary Player wins the 42nd Masters Tournament, "The Last Waltz" Is Released, "The Buddy Holly Story" Is Released, Grease (film) released, "National Lampoon's Animal House" Is Released, Muhammad Ali reclaims heavyweight title from Leon Spinks (1st heavyweight to do this 3 times), Microsoft opens first international office in Japan??? …you know what I’m stopping there; I was going to list more but why ruin a great poll…plain and simple.

01-13-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Music”

01-13-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Music” Going to try and get back to the music again and see which road it takes me this time. I never really recorded any of my piano songs so I thought maybe I would start there…one never knows now does one…I know, I never know what’s coming out next…and like George Harrison said: “if ya don’t know where you’re going any road will take ya there”…so at least there’s options that even I can’t miss…ha ha…plain and simple.

01-09-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Big Lie”

01-09-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Big Lie” I use to have this ‘friend’ that has done and seen it all! Anything you ever have done…he’s done it bigger and better…twice! I mention Woodstock and he was there, I mention Vietnam (and he’s the same age as me) and he served, I mention Standard Oil and he was a manager there for 20 years, I mention anything but I lost before the words are finished…I once said to him you must be like 130 years old by now, but he didn’t get the joke…anyway, I’m not sure if everyone has a ‘friend’ like this but I’m betting they’ve heard of one…but anyway, when you flat out catch him in a lie the lie just gets bigger and bigger to try and get out of it!...let’s just enjoy what we have and what we’ve done and call it a day…it just makes so much sense to me…and that term my father always uses…”your word is your bond” …just might have a chance for a comeback yet!...plain and simple.

01-08-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Melted Ice Cream”

01-08-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Melted Ice Cream” For some reason when I was lucky enough to get a bowl of ice cream or should I say when I was rewarded for being good it quickly turned bad. You see I liked to play with that bowl of ice cream and mix it up till it was like a bowl of moooshy goooloshy…and I didn’t eat it until my Dad said quit playing around and eat it!...then I’d either listened and eat or wore it to bed…plain and simple.

01-07-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Dryer”

01-07-14-My Morning Thoughts: “The Dryer” Is there not an unwritten law, , , , ,that whomever does the laundry gets whatever falls out of the pockets in the dryer????...I mean this can’t just be me can it? Its usually just crap and notes and paper made into lint…buuuuuuuuuuutttttttt every once in a while its cold hard cash! Ya one dollar bills and 5’s and 10’s and sometimes 20’s!!!!...anyway, I thought everybody knew this…help me out here cause I got like a total of 20 bucks the other day and my wife wants it back!...and BTW, I’m staying close to the warm dryer today…plain and simple. -34 degrees with the wind chill this morning…

01-06-14-My Morning Thoughts: “Fishing, the 1st time”

01-06-14-My Morning Thoughts: “Fishing, the 1st time” Learning how to fish the first time was kind a weird…cutting a worm and twisting it through that hook the first time…But it sure was fun catching that first fish! Now taking that fish off the hook well that was a special face made I’m sure. Oh ya then cleaning those fish the first time…yuk! However, cooking and eating that first fish…tops!...just kind a fishing for something this fine morning, could ya tell…LOL…plain and simple.

01-03-14-My Morning Thoughts: ‘A Simpler Time”

01-03-14-My Morning Thoughts: ‘A Simpler Time” There was a simpler time I’m sure, because even my time in those early days were simpler. And almost certainly most can say that of their early days because the responsibilities were directed differently and may have been limited, which became simpler. I mean most didn’t have to feed themselves most didn’t have to look for shelter most didn’t worry about making ends meet because as a youth it’s just not the things most had to do…I just ate, played and slept…Now I’m talking my slice of the world you know…but anyway, we did have some responsibilities however as time has moved on and things change and innovation is seemly unlimited, things do get easier to a point…but simpler times, I don’t know. Yes it was easier for me turn on the light switch as opposed to my grandparent’s childhood lighting an oil lamp or something but by simpler I mean…morally relaxing in some sort of way. It appears that honestly was more prevalent back then and you’re integrity was how sanity overcame the insanity. When a hand shake took place it was better than a legal document. When a man gave his word…he kept his word and that’s the ‘simpler’ I’m trying to refer too…all the advances in the world and all the advances that haven’t even been thought of yet cannot emulate those ‘simpler times’…wish they could though every now and then…plain and simple.

01-02-14-My Morning Thoughts:

01-02-14-My Morning Thoughts: by Larry Insana an apolitical folk singer that spells very poorly…2 years now! It’s been 2 years now since the start of “My Morning Thoughts”…yes 2 years!...it was only going to be one year but you brought me back by popular demand…lol…I have nothing much to say today except I have enjoyed the writing and thoroughly enjoyed the reading of your responses!...sharing and putting your whole self in and your whole self out, that’s what it’s all about…just ask the guy who wrote the “hokey-pokey”…(I know that was lame)…If ya like, I hope to continue these off and on and if you still want to fight through the bad grammar and spelling errors I’ll try and keep plugging along…for some crazy reason I still have these dog-gone morning thoughts in my half woke brain!…and as I’ve said before, my intent is never to offend but to express my thought at a particular moment in time and at any particular moment in time my thought may be expressed as a misplaced tangent…LOL…all the best to you and yours…plain and simple.