
Larry Insana / Blog

01-01-14-My Morning Thoughts: “HNY”

01-01-14-My Morning Thoughts: “HNY” Happy new year 2014!...So now that everyone has health care and the deficit has been cut in half and the war(s) are over…what will all our politicians do with their time this year?...is that too much sarcasm to start the new year? ...probably… hey everyone have a great year and remember we’re all in this together one way or another and I hope everything works out great for everyone’s sake…aaaaaaaaaand I’m banking on the Beatles having it right…”I have to admit it’s getting better, a little better all the time”…plain and simple.

12-30-13-My Morning Thoughts: HOME

12-30-13-My Morning Thoughts: HOME I really just want to stay home lay in bed and read a good book or something…or even a crappy book!...but I won’t, cause I got to go to work…H-a-p-p-y M-o-n-d-a-y…back yet again, for the grind…have a great day everyone…plain and simple.

12-27-13-My Morning Thoughts: Friday’s…yes!

12-27-13-My Morning Thoughts: Friday’s…yes! I do believe we definitely need more Friday’s every week. I would like three but two would work just fine…of course with that an extra Friday comes an extra Saturday which is what I really wanted anyway!...enjoy the weekend be safe and smile as long as you can…plain and simple.

12-26-13-My Morning Thoughts: It’s Gone!

12-26-13-My Morning Thoughts: It’s Gone! Another year is closing in faster than it did last year! Seems like every year just fly’s by now and there aint no slowing down in sight! ‘Anticipation’ of the next big event or the next holiday or the next family get together has slid down the wayside…there is no time for ‘anticipation’ anymore because it came and went before I could get my ‘anticipation’ motor in gear!...maybe I should start the ‘anticipation’ thing two years in advance this time to see if it slows it down at all…hope Santa was real nice to everyone this year…plain and simple.

12-23-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Our Choices”

12-23-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Our Choices” I once wrote in a song, “It’s not what people make you…it’s how you make yourself…while your looking out your window…take a good look at yourself”. Sounds much better when it’s sung I think but the point is still there I guess. We do make our own way in life even though while making “our own way” we do need at times, some outside influx…But it is up to us to make the best choices available I believe…if we do not, then it’s our choice…plain and simple.

12-20-13-My Morning Thoughts: Bobby Kennedy

12-20-13-My Morning Thoughts: Bobby Kennedy I was watching this special on Bobby Kennedy a couple of weeks ago and his kids tell of a story while their dad was running for president. He was visiting a poverty stricken town in Mississippi and he could not comprehend the despair that he witnessed. Children that hadn’t eaten the entire day…not in some village in a faraway world but in Mississippi! Anyway, the kids start talking about when Bobby returned home from that trip and walked into the house they were all at the dining room table eating dinner. Bobby walked up to the table and while noticeably shaking, started saying “you kids don’t know how lucky you are”. He said he had just witnessed these endless towns in Mississippi that were barely surviving in poverty and families bigger than his (which is very large) living together in an area smaller than the dining room your sitting in right now…the Kennedy kids said they never forgot that moment in their childhood…during his early campaign for senator Bobby was asked why would you run for senator of NY when you’re not from here…Bobby response; there’s two things I could do at this point in my life…retire and live off the money my father has because he’s done pretty well (which got a laugh) or put my efforts into helping others the best way I know how…Bobby never needed to do anything in his life, let a loan work for the public sector…but he did…plain and simple.

12-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Artist”

12-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Artist” You know how some are very good at certain things and some are very good at other things? Some are good readers and some are just smart but in my opinion everyone’s an artist. I mean anyone can sing or write a song or poem or draw something or create…theirs just different levels of perception of the art created, that’s all. What I think is genius you might think is junk. It’s all about taste and perception, and it’s so interesting to see how popularity probably plays the largest part in it because what some might say is…the best, or number one, others may not. Take music for instance, if there was a way to erase my brain from all music that I’ve ever listed too, would I still think the music I’ve called my favorite music still be my favorite? What if the only thing I ever heard was say “tip toe through the tulips” or something…would I be a huge Tiny Tim fan?...incidentally, he was a genius in his own slice of the world way…but anyway, if I later heard say “a day in the life” for the first time would I be sitting here arguing between the two?...popularity, perception, creativity…just all opinion I guess, therefore, I proclaim everyone is an artist…simply because, we all are…plain and simple.

12-17-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Crush”

12-17-13-My Morning Thoughts: “The Crush” Why is it that some of us get these childhood crushes’ on teachers? Is it because we are so young and look up to these figures of authority? Maybe we just looked up to their figures? Maybe we just knew that they knew more and they were so much taller than us they must be right?…I had a crush on my second grade teacher…I will never forget that when I was in 4th grade she got married!...thinking back, had I known she wasn’t married in the 2nd grade I would have perused that quest with more vigilance!...I know I’m not the only one with this crush thing…at least I hope not because that would be kind-a weird wouldn’t it?…plain and simple.

12-16-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Early Stories”

12-16-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Early Stories” Love-da-childhood stories! Good, bad, indifferent…it matters not. You know how when something is said and it kicks in some memory from the past that so many can relate too?…and most of the time it’s something we completely forgot but then BAM!…it’s back! Them’s the stories…like the other day somebody mentioned to me how kids use to eat the glue in elementary school, well I imagine some eat it in high school too…but anyway, I remember those young friends that did and really liked it. I wasn’t much for eating the glue though I did use more magic markers than most…ha ha…can’t ya tell…plain and simple.

12-13-13-My Morning Thoughts: Friday

12-13-13-My Morning Thoughts: Friday Everyone has struggled at some point in life. It’s never perfect and surely not always easy though we seem to get through it one way or another. I tell ya, when I hear of other’s hard times that dwarf my struggles of the day, the perspective just swings back in place like a sling-shot…it’s a shame that other peoples trials and tribulations have to slap me in the face to realize how lucky I am sometimes. I would imagine several have had some kind of trepidation when it comes to others misfortunes with questions of how can those things happen to anyone but clandestinely feeling uncomfortable because it’s not us, but deep down we all know it could have been us at anytime. I believe there are no guaranties in life and you do the best you can to live life like you know that, it’s just a way of me trying to remind myself of how life is limited and not to waste too much of it you know…anyway, moments are extremely precious and I pray that I use mine as such…everyone have a great weekend and remember we can get through most anything…and we absolutely can…together…plain and simple.