
The Talismen / Comments

Marija  (almost 14 years ago)
Totally postive and fun.. you should play live LOTS and send out those good vibes.. Marija!
Stacita  (almost 14 years ago)
Hi Guys!! Haven't talked to you in awhile! Miss you! Hope you are doing well!!! Thanks for all the great music!!
Cathey J. Johnson
Cathey J. Johnson  (almost 14 years ago)
I love your style!! This is one of my favorite styles of music, and you perform it very well!! AWESOME!! Thanks for being a fan! I appreciate your support, and I appreciate you a lot as well! Cathey J Johnson
CHILANI  (almost 14 years ago)
you guys ROCK ;)))) thanks for sharing and your kind words;)
The Fat Cats
The Fat Cats  (about 14 years ago)
You guys are all right. Dig your work. Rock on Minnesota! Proud to be collegues with you. ANd all the success in the world to you.
Pauline Edwards
Pauline Edwards  (about 14 years ago)
Glad you like my music! Sweet tunes on here! PEACE
Laura LaRue
Laura LaRue  (about 14 years ago)
Bonjour boys, your musique is super chill & SUPER BON -j'adore! xoxo
Stirling  (about 14 years ago)
Wow, you guys are fantastic. LOVE the harmonies, Beatle-esque. Your voices blend so well together:)
Maureen Santiago
Maureen Santiago  (about 14 years ago)
OMG this is so much fun! It's like channeling the Beatles! Great work guys!
The Talismen
The Talismen  (about 14 years ago)
Thanks Maureen Glad your having fun! Yeah, The English Channel! Just love your music! Let's keep in touch Peace & Love Paul
VÆRNA  (about 14 years ago)
I was taken way back to my very young days with this music. You have nailed the classic rock sound!