
Ian Stokol / Comments

Syntopia  (about 14 years ago)
Hello Ian, thanks so much for your lovely words. I listen your music with great joy, fantastic sounds and vocals. I love your great arranged songs very. I wish you a great week and all the best...Syntopia Music
Cesar Blues Band
Cesar Blues Band  (about 14 years ago)
Hey Ian Thank you for your words. Good work, powerful voice! have a fabulous weekend.
JON EDWARDS (songwriter/composer)
JON EDWARDS (songwriter/composer)  (about 14 years ago)
superb tracks here, well arranged, really nice guitar work...smooth instrumental "veritas" is a particular favourite!
Sjofn  (about 14 years ago)
update your bio! you sound fab.
Shaken Foundations
Shaken Foundations  (about 14 years ago)
Cool Stuff--don't sell yourself short. You sound better than some of the pros brother. thanks for your friendship on FB. Allen Cox, Lisa Beaumont
Michael Omar Perez
Michael Omar Perez  (about 14 years ago)
thanks, appreciate the feedback. i like your beats! keep doing your thing!
Oona McOuat
Oona McOuat  (about 14 years ago)
Appreciate your humility and I think the vibe of your songs and your connection to them is really strong!
Wesley Cole Switzer-Cole Collective
Wesley Cole Switzer-Cole Collective  (about 14 years ago)
Thanks very much man..recording other people's tunes so much lately it's hard to find the time to get to my own tracks! Hopefully soon! Really enjoy your tracks!
Guy Tardi
Guy Tardi  (about 14 years ago)
Hello Ian, Very nice songs. Very smooth. Peace
Lahar  (about 14 years ago)
Great tunes, Ian-I love the mix, sweet tones, and great moods. Can't wait to hear more. There's a thread connecting all of your music, no matter what the style, it has a signature... very unique and cool!