
Stitched Up Heart / Comments

Pat Branch... Bass Player / Songwriter
Pat Branch... Bass Player / Songwriter  (about 13 years ago)
♪♪♪♪♪ Love is the most wonderful of all feelings in this world and I’m loving your music this Valentine’s Day and every day. Sending respect and feeling the luv! All the best for continued success on REVERBNATION and in the world of music! ♪♪♪♪♪ Pat Branch in NYC
Osirus  (about 13 years ago)
Like the stuff - looking forward to hearing more.
Chris Solesbee
Chris Solesbee  (about 13 years ago)
Your music is awesome on so many levels i love it!! Please give my music a listen and give me any feedback you can. take care and stay blessed-Chris
Chris Solesbee
Chris Solesbee  (about 13 years ago)
Your music is awesome on so many levels i love it!! Please give my music a listen and give me any feedback you can. take care and stay blessed-Chris
PROMIZE®  (about 13 years ago)
Awesome video pro all the way!!!!!
The Dung Beetles
The Dung Beetles  (about 13 years ago)
killerrrrrrrrr tunes...
Madonski  (about 13 years ago)
I love you more Mixi-moo!
Heavy As Holograms
Heavy As Holograms  (about 13 years ago)
That's awesome! We were trying to get on warped last year but we had a tough time. Definitely hoping to do it some day. Have a great tour!
Stitched Up Heart
Stitched Up Heart  (about 13 years ago)
It's tricky. I have had the same problem over the last few years but got a good connect for at least the Cali dates. We might just get a tent and ride with the tour the whole time waiting for a band to bail and a slot to open! haha!
Satchwood  (about 13 years ago)
"Is this the way you get to Hell" !!!lol flippin rocks, the music,, Mixi's vocals !!! damn good!
Heavy As Holograms
Heavy As Holograms  (about 13 years ago)
Yeah! We're taking some time off from gigging right now but we're going to be playing a lot during summer. Rock on!