
Vee / Blog


Someone said that to me a few weeks back and now I can't seem to shake it HAHHAHHAA LOVE IT GIRL! So little time together but hopefully more good times to come..... That is what I hear when I think of YOU!!!!!!!! hahahhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah RIGHT ON SISTER! Blogs are OUR blogs, so bascially, you should be thanking me for not busting your scank ass out, so put that in your pipe and smoke it! HAHAHHAHHAH As you can see yes, I think it is truly FUNNY, now excuse me while I resume my life, oh yes, a life maybe YOU should try it! Blah Blah Blee Blee! ROTFLMAO! Oh I hear STD's are just a BEAAAATTTCCCH!!!!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHA

Kashmir  (over 17 years ago)

blee blee blee blee blee blah blah blah
i shall call him squishy and he shall be mine
and he shall be my squishy

sorry had to say it

OH BOY!!!!!

Chris and I have been BLESSED yet with number 4! It is a boy!!!!! Love to all of you! Due in April!

drainingteacup  (over 17 years ago)

awww! good for you. it'll be another cutie fo sho. :)


OMG! The one thing I absolutely LOVE about my job is that there is NEVER a dull moment. I feel as if I wear 7 different hats.I am mom, teacher, supervisor, friend, therapist and nurse. HAHAHA Today was going so smooth. Well, just as I said/thought it, one of my younger girls was not watching where she was going and BAM! Yes, smacked into one of the sides of the window where she cut the top curve of her nose, blood was all over her face. Needless to say she was okay. Of course now there is paper work to be done. But I don't mind. I love my job! Last was a broken arm, cuts, falls, you name it we have had it. And they never seem to be light about it! Things there are going very well for me and just keep getting better! I have never had a job that I have ever loved this much! I absolutely LOVE my staff they are great with all the do!

What kids do to you!

OMG, I have sat down!! Now what?? I can't get up! LMAO!