
Charlene M. Riner / Blog

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Cold Cruel Walls You can take my dignity and stomp out all my pride, Call me by a number and my face from public hide. Treat me like a nobody i dont really care, Try to talk loud and in me put a scare. Feed me the junk that you so happen to call food, Take it out on me when someone else puts you in bad mood. Lock me in a room that i cant escape till you say, Take all my free time and rule my actions through the day. Behind these cold cruel walls you think you can mold me, Into the person you want everyone to be. For a moment you have taken all the control that i had, Treating me like a piece of dirt now that is sad. One day i will escape from your grasp you hold tight, Wont go down easy will put up a fight. You can only hold me behind these cold walls for so long, But out in the real world is where i truely belong. Once im free i will gain back my dignity and pride, Be the boss of my own life with freedom once again at my side. You think that you have one but just wait and see, I have so much more standing behind and supporting me.

Over the Years Its been so long since we have spoke, Yet all the memories of you remain strong with me. Your heart of gold and the laughs that you gave, shoulder you lent when the tears begin to flow. I will never forget the kind words that you spoke, The look in your eyes that calmed me in a moment. Over the years you have always been a part of me, Molded in my mind and heart always to remain a true friend. I know that we both have said and done things that hurt, Yet those are forgiven and we have moved on. You was never quick to judge the person i was, Always boosted my esteem and brought a smile in a minute. To me you are the best friend a girl could have, With all your heartfelt cheer and devotion. Stay stong my friend and remember what life throws, No matter where we reside you mean so much to me. Through the years you have not given up on me, I want to show you same gratitude as you have done. I am honored to call you a friend forevermore, Never to be forgotten over the next years to come.

Some more of what i love doing.

Under the Moon The moon shines on the half hidden lake, Shadows moving everywhere as trees lightly shake. Stars in the sky are plain as can be, Your heartbeat pounds hard as you hold me. Two lovers lost within natures soul, Living for the moment taking it all slow. In the moon your eyes sparkle real bright, The urge to kiss you i try hard to fight. You and i are the only ones that are around, Taking in the view and natures peaceful sound. I inhale a deep breath as i take in the day, A tear slips out so gradually i look away. I cry because i am overwhelmed by the love of you, Its what i always dreamed its honest and true.

Forgotten At night when the stars have all appeared in sky, I run outside and on cold and wet grass lie. My eyes take in the breathtaking sight, Of the now dark and beautiful night. Crickets and frogs sing their joyous tunes, Letting me know that i must go to bed soon. Just as my eyes are about to close, I remember the story of a man who died then arose. In front of many He was treated cruely and beat, On the cross I saw nails in hand and feet. I watched the last breath exit out of His chest, Then taken down off that and put in cave to rest. That day had many times snuck away from me, I was blind and truth i refused to see. To me it all was a fairy tale of some kind, Forgotten and pushed to the back of my mind. On some road out in the center of trees, I walked the next day and got on my knees. I cried to the one who died for my sins, Asking if in my heart He will come in. I asked for strength, peace, adn love, Just like His father who is above. When i opened my eyes i caught a glimpse of a dove, Reminding me of the everlasting love.

Hope you enjoy reading.

Mask You wear a mask so the world wont see, The true man that you can be. Regardless of your unique disguise, Truth is held deep within your eyes. You can fool people to believing your sweet, Put up a front with each one you meet. I got the chance to peel the mask away, Become another one of your innocent prey. What i uncovered was a real bitter man, Heart full of cruelty and giving demands. Eyes always had a very angry glare, When you speak the voice gave me a scare. I helplessly tried to put mask back on, But couldnt redo whats already undone. Hope was lost so i chose to finally leave, With all the emotional hurt and heartach you gave me.

Forget I see you sitting across the room eyes all aglow, She walks in and i see your look go. Gently a tear runs down your cheek, Making you feel all depressed and weak. Stop forgetting all hurt she put you through, All the lies she told to you. Forget the heartach that made you feel alone, All the other rude things that was done. Forget your past and look here to me, I have love i want you to see. Here's a heart full of love and trust, One that will never cheat, lie, hurt, or lust. Here are arms thats spread out to you, Hoping in them you gladly step through. Here is a smile you have given to me, Spread on my face for you to see. I am the one you been waiting for, To walk through those once slamming doors.

Amazing (One of my writings)

Amazing Isnt it amazing how love falls into place, Comes into your life when you least expect it. The feeling is so magical seems like a dream, Leaving you lost hopelessly in the moment. Its strong enough to make a grown man cry, Powerful enough to rearrange your whole life. Just when you feel loves not for you, It sneaks upon you engulfing heart, soul, and mind. When your lucky enough to find hold on tight, Loves a treasure to be cherished by all. Its a priceless gift all holds deep within, Lasts a lifetime if you allow it to. True love is never judgemental or cruel, Never holds grudges and stands strong regardless. Next time love comes knocking on your heart, Allow it to enter in and leave its magical mark.

To all my friends

I would just like to take the time out to thank all my friends and family for being there for me. I am so greatful to have each and every one of you in my life. With the divorce few years back i was still messed up at the beginning of this year. Thanks to all the support i am now fully over it and have learned so much. I have became a stronger and wiser person. Not only that but one who now looks at the outcome of any choices i make and how it may hurt somebody. After having heart ripped out you learn to view things in different way and begin to put others feelings in priority with your own. I would of never been where i was today without you all. Hoping for a better year this coming one and maybe a chance to find true happiness. Who knows what the year may hold, but i am ready to find out. Time to take that leap of faith and put all the lessons i learned to use. Now who is my fist victime. LOL for real have a good one all. I am truely appreciative to have you in my life.