
nicjam / Blog

My Meet and Greet

The concert in Kinder was great, but of course it's Gary so why wouldn't it be. I have to send out a huge thank you to Kristylyn for allowing me the use of her camera after they made my husband take mine to the car before my meet and greet with Gary. The powers that be in Kinder decided that cameras were not allowed at the concert, but it seems that mine was the only one that was escorted out of the building. I tried to explain to them that I needed it for my meet and greet, but they just kept trying to tell me that Gary didn't do meet and greets. Even after I showed them my confirmation letter from the fan club they still didn't believe me. They just kept telling me that they were told that he doesn't do meet and greets. So to my dismay I have no pictures from the concert in Kinder. My meet and greet with Gary was fantastic, and all I can say is that he is the sweetest guy that you could ever meet. He introduced himself to both myself and the other winner, then signed her picture and took the picture with her. Then he turned to me and asked if I had anything for him to sign and I handed him one of my CD's that I have. He saw the box that I had with his gift in it and said, "it looks like you're moving in." I told him, "it's a gift for you" and then JJ said "it looks like you're moving in Gary" and Gary said, "no, I'm moving out" and then everyone laughed. He signed my CD, and started to hand it back to me and then said, "Oh, do you want your name on this?" So he then put my name on it for me too. Then JJ took our picture, but didn't like how it turned out so he took another one. Then I held up the box for Gary and he asked me, "What is it?" so I told him "well open it and find out." So he opened up the box and saw the quilt and asked me, "did you make this?" and I told him "yes", and then he was looking at the different sides and just kept saying, "this is cool, this is hip, this is really hip." Then he said, "Thank you so much, this is really great, I have a new bus blanket." Then it was over and he told us to have a great night and to enjoy the show. Then JJ took us back inside and told us to have a great night. Then we had to try to fight the crowd to get up to the front of the stage area, but we managed it, and had a great time. Gary and the guys sounded great and put on a fantastic show. Can't wait until the next one. I hope that everyone that was there had a great time too.

Finally, the wait is over

The wait is finally over, I won a M&G with Gary for November 7th in Kinder, LA. I can't wait until then. I hope that Gary likes the gift that I am going to give to him. This will definately be a night that I will never forget. Let you know all about it later.


I am bummed, this is the second year in a row that Gary has had a show on my birthday and I am unable to go. It just doesn't seem fair that this keeps happening to me, why couldn't the shows be closer to me. If there is a show on my birthday next year I will be there no matter what it takes. So Gary if you do happen to read this, I live in Louisiana and need a show close to me on June 21 next year.

jszoo  (almost 16 years ago)

I know exactly how you feel!! Gary is going to be doing a show in OK on my bday--a fairly long road trip from KY!! Hope your bday was happy!!

discgirlkc  (almost 16 years ago)

That is a bummer. But Happy Belated Birthday!

Gary's Fan Club Party

Tuesday's fan club party was awesome. Gary seemed very relaxed and at home with all of us. He sang some of his new and old songs, sang some that were never released on any of his albums (like Long Year), sang a song that he had just finished writing with Matt Warren called She Gets Me, and also took questions from the audience. He was very laid back and said that he felt like he was sitting at his house with a bunch of friends over. After the show he took photos with everyone (in groups of 4), and then had to catch his flight back to California. Had a great time, met some more friends, and the best part of all I got to meet Gary. I hope that everyone that went had as good a time as I did, can't wait till next year's party. That's all for now. Nicole