
Ken Gentry / Blog


Worship Is A Huge thing, We look forward to Worship every week, When the music includes one of our favorites, We say, "THE WORSHIP WAS GREAT", When the music stinks, We yawn and wonder why the worship wasn't good,. We Leave Churches because of "WORSHIP STYLE", Worship is a huge thing. Have you ever wondered if we we're more concerned with what worship does for us, And less concerned with the object of our worship? It seems like it's more about what we get, Not what we give. It would be like taking a gift to a birthday party, But keeping it for ourselves, Worship is all about GIVING our life's (again) to God, Worship is not about the feelings we receive when we sing, Worship is not about convincing God to bless us, Worship is not about whether or not the music was to loud, Worship is not about what's happening on the stage, Worship is not about entertainment, Lights, Or the sound, Worship is not about us!, It's about Him. For God is Spirit, so those who worship him must worship in spirit and in truth." And we enter through the gateway of the cross, At the cross we surrender, At the cross we love, At the cross we cry, At the cross we dream, At the cross we give up, At the cross we shut up, At the cross we kneel, At the cross we ' confess, We look at God, And place Him above all else, Because He is worth it. Life get's crazy and painful no one can deny that, Cancer, Boy friend, Girl friend, Parent's, Death, Addictions, Loneliness, No one is asking you to pretend that those things aren't affecting you, Don't Pretend, You're just being invited to bring that stuff to the cross, And simply look up at Jesus and let go, And as you Look at Him, Allow your Response to be WORSHIP