
The Real Big D Show / Blog

Radio Show Blog 2

The show presses on! We've had 2 more episodes and they have been great. We are so fortunate to have such great artists such as The First Hundred Years and Zoe and joining us!

Up next is a fantastic singer by the name of Natalie Gore. I think everyone is going love her music a lot.

Also, we've recently been making connections with some local record labels and venues for some collaboration in the near future. Very exciting stuff to come from that, stay tuned.

Until next time, please keep listening and enjoying!



Radio Show Blog

Hey everyone! So this is RBD's first blog. It's kind of weird typing and not talking... Here goes nothing though.

Our first show was a little under a week ago and overall went pretty well. We're working out some of the kinks, but the digital studio is rad and it's perfectly set up for great things in the future.

Mike Richardson from the band Bum Lucky was our first band interview and we were very excited to have him on and play a tune of theirs. They're a really talented act here in Dallas. Quick promo: They're playing the HOB on February 24th. Be there!

This weeks show is featuring the Maurice Davis Band. And we assure you, they will rock your socks. Be sure to tune in for that as well.

Also, this week we're going to get into Grammy talk, Josh Hamilton sex scandal talk, and Taylor Swift vs. Michelle Branch. Should be a great show.

Don't miss a second of it LIVE on www.realbigd.com or www.blogtalkradio.com/dallas

Ok, if you miss a second, the podcast will be up...

Can't wait until tomorrow!

Until then... Don't be racist. Be hot.