
promotemysong.com / Blog

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Nadia Turner ( American Idol runner-up) is just one of their spokespeople.

Online collaborations,Online studio, Thousands of affiliates like Music stores,studios, manager,promoters,Tickes etc.

they just opened their Digital Distribution section on the site.

Start selling your music on over 150 different web sites right from www.promotemysong. com

Classifieds and sell your shirts hats, logo stuff , your Instruments etc.

They are Brand new in 2008 and getting ready to give the artist what they need and want. aplace to live,work,play, collaborate with musical affiliates.

Get on their front page video loop that plays all day in front of millions. NOT AN ARTIST Get traffic, increase revenue be a partner with www.promotemysong. com

Check out their traffic rank on Alexa. com 130,500 in first 4 months Create a your free Bio

Don't let this be the thing you say!!

I should have gotten in there. JB Fame Sickpit Promotions