
Beat tape coming soon! / Blog

The Blue Screen Blues...

Now, my computer wants to crash.

I'm sitting here minding my own business, eating some Spicy Nacho Doritos™ when I get the dreaded BLUE SCREEN!


Technical Difficulties!

There comes that dreaded day in every musicians life when a key breaks, or a drum head bursts or your cone messes up in your monitors and distorts the sound horribly. Well, all of those have happened to me! Right now, I'm working with one ROKIT Monitor and some Vic Firth muffling headphones (for live recording with the drums). How sucky. I also messed up my trusty Sony's. Bummer. So, my songs are gonna be extra rough until I get the package.

Oh yeah. Wouldn't it be like the awesomest thing if Dr. Dre invented batteries just for the Beats headphones? Or even if he made some that you could plug up and charge overnight?! Mmmmmmm? I love the way they sound and I actually bought a pair, but gave them away because I can never remember to cut them off. So, I end up going through like a lifetime supply of batteries in a week. Lol. I wish I had those bad boys right about now, though! :(

Answered Questions...

I get a lot of people asking if I made all these tracks. I absolutely did. I don't take any offense to that whatsoever. I often try to think outside the box and not stick to a particular sound. I think this mainly contributes to the different programs that I experimented with over the years. Some of my earlier tracks (Chill and Hazy) were made in Fruity, Reason and Acid Pro. A lot of times, I didn't have much to work with -- so, I had to make it work.

Right now, I'm loving Logic and using a Fantom. Although I favor the Motif--the Fantom is cool for now. History: I started out on a Radio Shack keyboard using only 7 tracks. I could only save 2 songs at once. Lol.

"Do you play the trumpet on any of your tracks?" Not very often, but "Geeked" features me on the trumpet.

Right now, I am in the process of getting everything together. So, keep checking back! Thanks again for the support, guys. New tracks uploaded later. :)

Producers Block

Today, I am having trouble making a solid track. So, I'm going to isolate myself from the world for two days. Hopefully, I'll come out with hot fire like Dylan, Dylan, Dylan and Dylan. You feel me?

Vikter Duplaix is my inspiration for today. I'm going in! :)

I don't want to be tooo different with my tracks, but I do want to paint a different picture for the artist. Creating a relevant alternative is the goal.

I favor tracks such as "Freakshow" because it's so different. I think Lupe Fiasco would eat that up. Feedback appreciated.

Oh yeah! This is all very rough. I am aware. BUT when I launch my official web-site, it will all make sense. The tracks will be mixed and mastered.