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New look, same great taste!


Alice in Wonderland, Johnny Depp, Tim Burton, Lewis Caroll, Leigh Van Valen

The new song is inspired by the works of Lewis Caroll; The Red Queen's Hypothesis, Red Queen, "Red Queen's race" or "Red Queen Effect" is an evolutionary hypothesis. The term is taken from the Red Queen's race in Lewis Carroll's Through the Looking-Glass. The Red Queen said, "It takes all the running you can do, to keep in the same place." source- Wiki This is also known as negative frequency dependent selection

The evolutionary significance in Alice is seen in the scene in which she cries her ocean of tears and emerges into the caucus race, where everyone runs in circles until everyone stops (at their own leisure).An extinct bird is the ring leader in this analogy and a creepy monkey head is in the background of the original illustrations. The ocean is the primordial ooze from which the common ancestor of all life emerged, the dodo represents extinction (and is not running in the race but only observing) and the monkey represents the animal nature of humanity, I imagine.

Equipment utilized

Korg MS2000 (destroyed) microKorg (destroyed) Korg ds10 Korg microKontrol (repaired) reason adapted for Korg Korg Legacy collection Korg MS-20, Polysix, Wavestation (operable) Apple G4 labtop w/ Garageband (operable) Korg kaosspad Phantom guitar (destroyed) I synth everything and have forsaken the utilization of samples and stock midi files.