
Mizz / Blog

guess what???

"jetpack" is droppin this friday!!!! on datpiff so staytuned and be ready to download and support #3strIIIpez

"mizz "jetpack" "its just a demo"

-mizz " well, jetpack is basically for my fans and supporters, and most of all its to let everyother artist know including industry/underground artist that I AM COMIN. not being cocky at all i jus know i got what it takes to catch this dream i am chasing!!! i lived real kinda sorta crazy life backhome in philly and now im in florida doin positive because i know i am history in the making. i have a sick grandma and a mother who is struggling day by day to maintain and makie it in a super small apartment in philly and im in florida with my brother! i have the oppurtunity to change that around for them with my faith dedication and talent, so therefore IM ON IT YALL IGOT US". godbless&amen