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hooyoosay – Strange, Elusive You - EP review

By Jer@SBS, February 3, 2020.

There's no doubt that hooyoosay has found its niche in music: it's downright rare to experience tunes with as much enthusiasm and positivity as you'll find in what this project creates.

The new EP "Strange, Elusive You" begins with what's likely to be the most sunshine you hear in a song all year in the ultra-bright vibes of "Happy, Ever So Happy". Being born into the Grunge-era like I was, makes me naturally juxtaposed to a sound as positively-based as this is, but I have to admit, the sheer boldness of how hooyoosay has brought such happiness to the surface in such a clear and unapologetic way is really impressive.

For myself personally, the vibes of "All I Do Is Call Your Name" were much more suited to my own taste. Solid rhythm and groove bouncing with the beat, great melody and harmonies in the lead and background vocals, and arguably, a more artistic, progressive, and inventive structure than you'd expect to find in anything Pop-based.

That being said, the title-track "Strange, Elusive You" will reveal some of this EP's strongest hooks and overall allure, which is always a great thing when it comes to the centerpiece of a record. Poetic in the spoken word verses, and beautifully sung in the angelic harmonies that float throughout the chorus, "Strange, Elusive You" is another anti-typical tune for sure, but another revealing song that shows that the well of creativity you'll find in hooyoosay isn't likely to ever run dry on ya.

Somehow, "When You Get Huguette" seems to bring everything up one more notch in a strong bid for your affection and attention. I felt like this was where the vocals and lyricism managed to steal the show. The way the two main vocalists complement each other's sound and energy on this cut is sheer perfection.

"Olla Doo" is a freakin' fantastic ending to the new record, and an unexpected twist in the plot that sends this EP into an instrumental finale that completely satisfies and concludes the experience perfectly. From the brilliant harmonica, to the bounce of the bass and beat alongside the piano at the forefront of the melody, hooyoosay really seems to let loose here and takes a moment to let us appreciate the fact that there's a lot of excellent musicianship that can't be ignored within this project as well. By the end of "Olla Doo", you realize that what's being brought to the music is every bit as powerful and enticing as what's been happening on the mic all along: it makes for a final statement that resonates.

Original online publication: https://sleepingbagstudios.ca/hooyoosay-strange-elusive-you/

hooyoosay, "No Clashing Egos"

By Anastim Ducray.

This sort of thing is my bag, baby. "No Clashing Egos" is a full length album from a musical project known as hooyoosay (they prefer not to be credited individually.) The music speaks for itself though. The album is quirky, fun, and avant garde. Unlike a lot of experimental music artists, these guys can actually play their instruments, sing and put together some really impressive arrangements. They remind me of a bit of The Aquabats, if you were to replace the SoCal ska element with a roots Americana vibe. These songs are also a little bit more artistic and abstract. It’s like if you combined 1940's-1950's stage musical acts with contemporary synths, beats and a hodgepodge of other instruments. No two songs on this album are the same, which ultimately makes genre classification challenging. There’s an endearing mix of comedy and sincerity in the lyrics, in the same way that dialogue in a play, or a song and dance number in a musical, can present as “goofy” but still convey genuine emotions and explore substantive themes. As the title implies, "No Clashing Egos" disarms and dazzles the listener with its whimsical innocence. My favorite song on this album is "Mountain Air", which is a 60′s style psychedelic, indie pop masterpiece. These guys (and girls) are great. I love this!

For more info: https://hooyoosay.com/

Spotify album link: https://open.spotify.com/album/3zxXRumfcdAGsToaScESUd?si=CD7tq_WJTFex-FGSrso10A

hooyoosay: the wrong kind of people?

hooyoosay have a new EP, "The Wrong Kind Of People", delivering four upbeat and essentially poppy tracks, influences however ranging from rock to country. The overall vibe is feelgood and fun, the word "wrong" merely being ironic, for the message simply is that nothing is wrong, but on the contrary all is absolutely fine. The title track is the main song, cheerful and happy, abundant with male and female lead vocals and harmonies. It is followed by "Illusionist at work", a relaxed instrumental, and then further by what could be seen as a couple of bonus tracks. The one is "The wrong kind of hello" and takes an even more humorous approach to the title track in the form of rock-comedy, the other is "The right kind of friend", being the second instrumental. Alex Faulkner reviewed and concluded: "Overall, this is an excellent E.P. that is joyously free of all commercial considerations and rammed full of musical imagination. If you are bored with the predictable pop of the mainstream, hooyoosay are here to save the day and show you that music is so much more interesting when you veer off the beaten track. Long may they continue."

hooyoosay send out fun and happiness with their EP "Googly Goo"!

hooyoosay is a peculiar music recording project, having a variety of unnamed and constantly changing collaborators. Hence a wide diversity in styles is arrayed, which makes hooyoosay rather hard to categorize. Previous releases were the full-length "In dekay", and the single/EP's "My obsession", "Don't you lie to me", and "Come on". And again hooyoosay have a couple of new contributors. One of them is a young boy. A very young boy actually. From the start he insisted on having a lead vocal. So some of the veteran bandmembers put aside their drumkit, guitars and harmonica, and plugged in their synths to create a couple of electro-pop infused fun songs, resulting in the EP "Googly Goo". The EP offers four tracks, all of them radiating a joyful, cheerful vibe and an intense feelgood mood. Containing titles like "Googly Goo" and "Tare Too Te Rut Te", one might expect a mere bit of nonsense going on, but there is no absurdity here at all, on the contrary, there is this continuous expression of fun and happiness. In "Googly Goo" the young kid utters his excitement about all the wonderful things he gets to see when touching a pc tablet. And "Tare Too Te Rut Te" is no more than another way of saying "we feel fine"!

hooyoosay – Not your average rock 'n' roll band

An occasional recording jam eventually leading to online releases and bandmembers preferring to keep their anonymity, that's the short story of hooyoosay. Their latest EP "Come on" continues down the rock and blues line of their full-length "In dekay".

The EP's title track presents a remake of Chuck Berry's "Come on", and gives another twist to sixties rock 'n' roll and yesteryear's pop melodies. It is modern retro, creating a sonic pastiche that connects the band's trademark British Invasion sound with elements as diverse as new wave, post-punk, euro pop, garage and Japanese techno. It has thumping bass and staccato drumming, phoney keyboards and snotty vocals, and of course that indispensable "let's rock 'n' roll" fuzzy electric guitar solo.

The lyrics evoke a peculiar feeling of nostalgia. Not that sort of tacky souvenir-store nostalgia, but that feeling that might arise when staring at a yellowed polaroid or when playing a record you relished throughout the years: you may have seen or heard it a million times before, and it may be suffering from a few cracks by now, but somehow it has kept its appeal. At the same time "Come on" is a vivid illustration of the lyrical merriness that characterised 60's pop, as it makes a break-up themed song into something rather light-hearted and entertaining.

Actually the EP can be seen as a digital 45, B-sided by "The under assistant West Coast promotion man", a hilarious parody of the figure of the emphatic but thwarted music promoter. Once on the B-side of The Rolling Stones' smash hit "Satisfaction", this song is all about British Invasion blues bands coming to tour America during the sixties, where they found themselves escorted by some Mr know-it-all type of local tour promoter. Clearly these young bands, having discovered American music only just shortly, did not render those country, boogie and blues standards in the established American ways, instead creating their own interpretations.

Both titles are sublimely combined into one video, which can be viewed on YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iJeeAaK8aQI

To find out more about hooyoosay, stream the music and enjoy their artwork, visit the official website http://hooyoosay.com

hooyoosay's "Yooplaaa!" urges you to join the party

Only a band with a name like hooyoosay could come up with such a fantastically fun dance song like "Yooplaaa!" There aren't many instrumentals that can really get you up and moving and just make you feel the music, but "Yooplaaa!" is one of those songs.

From the opening notes, the song gets your attention and it never lets it go. It puts a spring in your step. Imagine, if you'd swallowed a Mexican jumping bean, and then that bean began to make you bounce like a cartoon animal. That's how powerful the melody of "Yooplaaa!" is.

This song may be an instrumental but it can in no way ever be described as elevator muisc. When it is playing you can't help but notice the music. It’s in your face screaming at you to get off your couch and do something. It is right there, urging you to get up and dance, and live life to the fullest.

It is super infectious and fun. It’s the kind of song that anyone can be affected by, young or old. The drum beats and the synths just lighten your mood and make you smile.

If fun could be contained in a 3 minute song, it would be contained in this one. This is happy music. There is no ifs ands or buts about it. You cannot possibly keep a frown on your face when this song is playing. It is a party song for all ages. Zumba instructors all over the world will want to add this to their playlists. Even the most die-hard couch potato will find their toes tapping when this song is playing.

Put it on and start bouncing around, and feel your blahs slip away and get moving. "Yooplaaa!" is a song that brings joy with it wherever it is played. So what are you waiting for? Get on your feet and dance!

Artist: hooyoosay Single: Yooplaaa! Review by Andrea Guy

"Don't you lie to me" or hooyoosay's weird cocktail of styles and sounds

hooyoosay have a new single out, "Don't you lie to me", and it breathes comedy, cartoons and fun movies. In fact, it's an old blues song, written by Hudson Whittaker, but with hooyoosay this has become amusing, light entertainment. There's a bizarre chiptune sort of techno riff, quirky vocals, a kind of polka bass with a modern beat, and a whistling toy organ solo confirming the "Me? Lie? No... not really" playful spirit. A standard 12-bar blues progression is married to an electronic carnival beat that sounds like europop in the early days of MTV. And hooyoosay have even more goofy fun in store, so an EP release will follow shortly, offering the additional track "Yooplaaa!", a happy instrumental that urges everyone to join the party, wherever or whatever that may be!

hooyoosay: "Who's been sleeping here"

Strange, elusive, quirky hooyoosay. An absurd joke? The guy singing in the local bar. The tattooed truck driver. The lady tramp and her dog. The solitary scientist. The old pervert. The runaway kid. The Angel biker. The drunken sailor. The frustrated cop. The born loser. The dandy solicitor. The baggy-eyed alcoholic. The unemployed language teacher. The under assistant West Coast promotion man. All in the band. And many more. At some point. Who was there then? Who was singing? Who were playing? Who was pushing the buttons? Totally irrelevant. Who's been sleeping here? Nailed! Got it! Some schizo just sober enough to safeguard the MP3. Bluesy country soft-rock vaudeville-pop. Cheesy. Comedyish. Confusing. What is this? The alternative to alternative. Finally. The lyrics. What's the tale? What's the guy trying to say? Written by Jagger. Good. Some nonsense makes sense.

hooyoosay's "My obsession": vintage pop-rock with a contemporary dance-feel

Mainstream indie-dance-pop seventies-rock with a post-punk twist: hooyoosay's new single "My obsession" cannot easily be labeled with a simple one-word tag. Their rendition of the song brings a fresh and innovative, catchy and intriguing approach to a rather obscure 1967 Rolling Stones track. Contrary to the coarse and roaring Rolling Stones signature original, hooyoosay's whispery and sensual lead vocal interprets the song lyrics in such a way that a slightly humorous but definitely light-hearted undertone is added. The overall sound is reminiscent of late seventies rock, a good dose of Ian Dury-like characteristics being injected. At the same time the hypnotic drum beats give the track enough of a contemporary dance-feel to possibly also appeal to listeners of Rihanna, Katy Perry, Maroon 5 and the likes. Still the whole package breathes a gentle softness, clearing it from the fatiguing impact that some stellar productions occasionally might impose. For the so-called b-side, hooyoosay chose to record Allen Toussaint's "Pain in my heart" in a modest arrangement, as an intimate, melancholic, acoustic jazzy blues ballad. If you'd have missed to notice their full album "In dekay" before, this new single, combining the verve of "My obsession" and the gloominess of "Pain in my heart", makes for a compelling introduction to hooyoosay.

Visit http://hooyoosay.com to find out more.

hooyoosay "My obsession": new single release and video

hooyoosay have just released their single "My obsession", a fresh and innovative, catchy and intriguing approach to a rather obscure sixties Stones' track. The recording blends a vintage pop-rock atmosphere with a contemporary dance-feel. For the so-called b-side, they chose to do Naomi Neville's "Pain in my heart" as an intimate, melancholic, acoustic jazzy blues ballad.

hooyoosay's new single release is available in 2 different packages: "My obsession" (disKcovermusic 445975 / UPC 885767078291), and "My obsession" with "Pain in my heart" (disKcovermusic 445976 / UPC 0885014195108).

The accompanying video displays a series of silhouettes, occasionally emerging from an anonymous crowd. In the second part of the video, a lonely figure is depicted in an empty-feeling house.

To view the video, go to http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1Ts45wOgGwY

hooyoosay also boast a brand new artist website http://hooyoosay.com where the new single can be streamed and downloaded, and where many more other recordings, artwork and videos by hooyoosay can be found.