
Jackie DeSouza / Blog

Songs Of Love Foundation-Congrats

Your Amazing Talents Have Brought Many Smiles! Dear Songs of Love Singer/Songwriter Jacqueline! Today is our official 20th Year Anniversary! We were incorporated on February 16, 1996. Over 26,000 "songs of love" have been created and you all have made an indelible mark in the lives of countless children, and to a larger degree, a mark in this world. You all should feel proud knowing that the talents that you have been given have been used to their highest potential. Even if you brought a smile to the face of a single child, then all your time spent learning your craft would have been totally worth it! As far as we're concerned, you are the cream of the crop of singer/songwriters in this world and we are very proud to have been graced by your incredible talents. I give you a huge hug of thanks and I am forever grateful for every single note you have written and performed for the many children who need a reason to smile. I love you all. Yours in Song,

John Beltzer Founder and President Songs of Love Foundation

Heroes & Angels available on ITunes

Hey everybody the Heroes and Angels Campaign has launched. I think we all have the POWER to change the world. I believe in Giving and and that's what this campaign is all about. Find ways to give back in your community or this world whether it's to a charity or simply by volunteering your talents and your time.

