
Arrows Over Athens / Blog

Help Get AOA On Wapred Tour!

Hey all,

We've got an amazing opportunity here, and we're giving YOU the opportunity to help us make the most of it.

Ernie Ball and a bunch of other music-related companies sponsor a "Battle of the Bands" every year that has a spot on the Warped Tour as a grand prize. We've entered this Battle.

Remember what I told you back in the middle of February regarding Battles and Bands? If you can't quite recall, brush up here.

All up to speed? Okay, good. So you're ready to go to war for us, right? You're ready to swing a polearm at a barbarian's cranium?


Here's how you can help!

Follow this link : http://www.battleofthebands.com/u/arrowsoverathens

and register as a fan (this literally takes less than 2 minutes). Then vote for us! By doing this daily (or as close to daily as possible) there's a good chance we could get enough votes to win a spot on warped tour in Hartford, CT!

Please help us!

If anyone has trouble registering, feel free to e-mail arrowsoverathens@gmail.com for help.

Guys, it would mean the world to us to be able to play Warped Tour. It'd be a HUGE milestone for all of us, and you can't imagine how happy it'd make us. So please, do what you can - spend a couple of minutes clicking links, and maybe even repost the link on the social networking site of your choice.

Thank you,


March 2011 Update

What’s up, Archers!

We’re busy. So busy.

The shows this last weekend were a lot of fun. Legend Has It are awesome to hang out with. Something I have particularly enjoyed in my time as a musician playing in local/regional bands is when you find a band you connect with and quickly become friends. It makes every show you play with them about 4 times more fun, because it varies the “insider” interactions you can have. Let me give you an example:

At a show, occasionally something will happen that is just awesome. Sometimes things will happen that are just awful. Don’t be fooled by the shared first sound and similar syllable count, these events are polar opposites. (By the way, try saying “similar syllable” 5 times fast. Total tongue twister, right?) Either way, when these things happen, I normally seek out a member of AOA to share them with. Whether it’s a little look like “wow.. this is messed up” (for example, when a promoter does something bogus or a band complains for the THIRD time about the lack of green-colored skittles on their rider) or a triumphant knuck for a great set, these events are always better when shared. Having a group of guys like LHI around means the power of the shared “insider” interactions multiplies by some factor like 9000 or something. Perhaps even over 9000.

Speaking of awesome things, I want to talk about this band that played Saturday night at Ground Zero. They were called Gambiza, and they reminded a lot of us of Queen. They had costumes, props, and threw cheese at the audience. Literally, the singer (a lovely lady named Rachel, I believe) was singing about cheese of some kind and threw swiss slices at us. Insane. They had song titles like Mr. Shiny Pants, Super Baby Bunny (baby!) and other whimsical goodness. Every couple of minutes while they played, some member of AOA had a shared “what the fu-awesome!” moment with some other member of AOA or LHI. It was an awesome time. There was a lot of video taken that weekend, so hopefully Preston will be able to edit up a video update for you guys pretty soon. I don’t know whether he’ll include Randy’s bared Grinch or not, but I’m hoping he’ll opt for not. At least use a censor bar, dude.

I think that’s it for now. If you’ve heard our new song over the past couple of days, let us know what you think of it! (It’s the one we’ve been opening the set with.)

We’ll be at Pearl St., Northampton on Friday (3/4), and back at the Palladium upstairs on Sunday (3/6). We’re also playing a Max Cap Battle of the Bands prelim on Wednesday (3/9) which could net us a LOT of money if we win, so PLEASE come cheer for us!

There are other shows, but as usual I’m just the drummer and don’t know much about them. I’ll have another update for you in a couple of weeks, and hopefully we’ll have a complete list of shows by then.

Archers, I love you. Keep your aim true and your spirits high.
