
misdivine music challenge - "a song ...

Bundamba, QLD, AU


brisbane rd, Bundamba, QLD, AU
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Capacity: 10000000

Bio: MISDIVINE'S MUSIC CHALLEGE - "a song a day..." “ON the 11/11/11 Misdivine will be starting her online music challenge. "a song a day..." What this involves is that Mis will be uploading an original song every day until 12/12/12. That will nearly 400 songs by the time she has completed her challenge. They may be new songs or works in progress, as long as each day there is an idea posted. You may comment on her wall about her compositions, any ideas, reviews. Misdivine has put this challenge to herself as a way to encourage herself and other musicians to keep the creative process going - so much time nowadays is spent working on the business side of the music, that sometimes the song gets lost along the way. "how do i get my music out there?" "where do i sell my songs?" "how do i get signed?" "how do i promote my music" - and there is too much emphasis on the NECESSITY to spend money in order to connect with our listeners. Misdivine plans to prove them wrong and connect with them through the soul of her music, one song at a time.”



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