Thank you very much for adding me to your remarkable roster! Thanx also for listening & your comment. So many brilliant artists here & so much music for me to explore! Like Coccinella said below, an old dusty cellar is indeed a bit like a box of chocolates. My greatest find though (in my cellar at home) was a ten-year-old peanut. God only knows what else is lurking in there (in the cellar, not in the peanut...)
- all the best, fluxliner from zNEET Productions.
that would be nice DrG, however our members are linked by interest instead of geography, so it could be tough to get everyone together without some kind of fairly major planning...
Thank goodness you rescued these sounds! A veritable treasure trove of engaging musical exploration and originality. Thank You for connecting and for this splendid music. All the Best ~ Exile
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