
MusicXray / Comments

Melinda and Oliver Neal Of Jumpin Jazz Cat Music (Idy Publishing)
Melinda and Oliver Neal Of Jumpin Jazz Cat Music (Idy Publishing)  (over 13 years ago)
Thanks ever so much MusicXray for recently importing my songs,at my Desert Hot Springs,Ca."Mineral Springs Resort gig"! Have a blessed week,Melinda and Corneilus-Singers/Sonwriters.
Reason to Slay
Reason to Slay  (over 13 years ago)
Hi there!! Give us some information about you!!! Have a great week cheers from Reason to Slay
ZEUS  (over 13 years ago)
Greetings from Spain!Wish u all the best!Respects,ZEUS
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks Zeus!
Lil Sko
Lil Sko  (over 13 years ago)
It's "NOW OR NEVER" available now @ http://www.frontlinemuzikstore.bigcartel.com
www.Angelctheyounghero.com  (over 13 years ago)
Hello My name is Angel C I am a Nigerian I live in Lagos city, Nigeria I am a young coming hip hop hard core and Rand B star Which I can sing and rap very well. I am in need of a RECORDING DEAL I promise to be honest to who so ever that will sign me in any country and make him/her proud by bringing the best out of the bests. I get what is takes to be the best because everyday and night I learn more. I started learning music when I was 7 years old so as I grow up I realized that music is my talent that is why I break in. I thank god that people who hear my songs always love it because it sound good with pure clean lyrics. Please be very free to contact me for enquiries on. www.Angel c 131.com angelchiphop@gmail.com angelchiphop@yahoo.com +234 7040954295 www.facebook.com/asukwo angel c Thank you From your boy Angel C
youaintbusy  (over 13 years ago)
all ways remember, keep dancing =)
FITTER  (over 13 years ago)
Salu' MusicXRay! :)
TFX - Toxicated Fox
TFX - Toxicated Fox  (over 13 years ago)
Up for some house ? :)
YORK WILBORNE  (over 13 years ago)
Got that music for all you music lovers check me out YORK....
MIDWEZT  (over 13 years ago)
hiya only just come across music xray ,going good so far x