
Attack Karma / Comments

Oraculo  (over 10 years ago)
In fact you´re the spirit of the 60's with the amazing technological potential of the present. Guess it's your time, I'm really into your mood although Im from '67 generation. My whole cldhood was surrounded by thar essence you got.
Vamphiri  (over 10 years ago)
Triooing to the past, there´s a coicidential taste of the Velvet Underground Nico's voice style, perhaps 'cause she was a german but I think it's also the way you processed youur effect, in other hand I enjoyed bass execution and it's domaining sound through the track. In fact the whole track is a refreshed 60's alternative sound. I like your work.
Greedy Graffiti
Greedy Graffiti  (over 10 years ago)
Keep up the great work!
Jared Brodersen
Jared Brodersen  (over 10 years ago)
Love "Father Planet" ... very nice!
"Social Strife"
"Social Strife"  (over 10 years ago)
"MoRnInG sTaR" Is VeRy CoOl!!!
Red Cloud
Red Cloud  (over 10 years ago)
Morning star has something of Velvet underground and Nico ! great !!
Red Cloud
Red Cloud  (over 10 years ago)
Great sound ! we have more than one thing in common ...
Karma Wash
Karma Wash  (over 10 years ago)
Love these tunes. I prefer Cosmic Rays to microwaves! Cheers from Canada!
BURNING RED SUN  (over 10 years ago)
I hear the 60's psychedelic influences in your music... I like the groovy sound!
Lara May
Lara May  (over 10 years ago)
Morning Star is a great song! :)