
MARYANN / Comments

Eric Stradinger
Eric Stradinger  (over 13 years ago)
haa-haa! ;)
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
It took me long enough. I know that the Devils weren't doing very good for a while. I went to see them once a long time ago. Hockey is one sport I like. I think I like to watch the crowd. Their heads, go one way and the other. ...=_=... Jersey
Stephanie Andreus
Stephanie Andreus  (over 13 years ago)
Love the vibe on Nowhere to turn! Rosebud is my fave! Great track!
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
Thanks Stephanie for the complement on "Nowhere to Turn", it's a crier for sure. "Rosebud", is for you. Bless you. I love you xx's ...=_=...
Pat Branch... Bass Player / Songwriter
Pat Branch... Bass Player / Songwriter  (over 13 years ago)
MaryAnn..."ROSEBUD" is a well written and well performed song! Bravo! Pat Branch in NYC
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
For You Patty!! In the song it says "Women reinforce life" and yet, well, you know the rest. THANK YOU SWEETHEART!! I LOVE YOU. ...=_=... MARYANN
?  (over 13 years ago)
Still loving "Nowhere To Turn" and "Nothing More" - Really great quality to your voice - lovely and clear - full of expression and emotion!!! :)
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
I appreciate your complements so MUCH!! Really though, it's important when a wolf is near not to show much expression or of course emotion. For if you do there would be no tale to tell. I WILL BE BACK! I JUST LOVE THAT SONG TO DEATH NO KIDDING!! xx's wolf. ...=_=...
"The Usual"
"The Usual"  (over 13 years ago)
Thanks Maryann, you rock!
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
Love you Always!! ...=_=...
Mindwiser  (over 13 years ago)
hope all is well we are still loving your songs
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
xx's ...=_=...
Fatamorgana  (over 13 years ago)
great musics... amazing voice... awesome...!!!
PROMIZE®  (over 13 years ago)
Zoe Zobrist
Zoe Zobrist  (over 13 years ago)
Rosebud is so fun!! Thanks for sharing!
?  (over 13 years ago)
Great voice, performance and songs - loved "Nowhere To Turn"... :)
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
MARYANN  (over 13 years ago)
I want you to know that when I wrote "Nowhere to Turn", I cried every time I played. I had to stop playing it for a while it really got to me. Of course the third verse would be the best. That verse is probably why I cried so much. lol... It just doesn't happen that way. It is one of my favorites. Thank you and please I want to hear more from you. ...=_=...