
Rocky Rogers / Comments

The Professor and Naomi Kay
The Professor and Naomi Kay  (about 12 years ago)
Nice retro sort of a sound here -- reminds my of Pink Floyd and Alan Parsons. Cool....! Wayne
Jeffrey Whitman
Jeffrey Whitman  (about 12 years ago)
Very much like "Eaten Alive" !
Ghost Man Ric
Ghost Man Ric  (about 12 years ago)
extremely cool songs...
Hellrazer  (about 12 years ago)
Thanks for your support. Please stay tuned for our new release "Operation Overlord". Keep it metal and feel free to drop by our facebook or myspace pages! Cheers Hellrazer www.facebook.com/pages/Hellrazer/172927282761741 www.myspace.com/hellrazermetal www.youtube.com/Hellrazermetal
Graham Butterfield
Graham Butterfield  (about 12 years ago)
Nice tracks. Lovely guitar work. I particularly like 'Out Of Time'. Superb!
Rocky Rogers
Rocky Rogers  (about 12 years ago)
Hi, I think you were a little bigger name than you think. I am 55 yrs old and I remember you from years gone by. Plus I use to live in TN so thats were I probably heard you're music. Its awsome to have you as a fan. Thank you!
Suzanna Kay
Suzanna Kay  (about 12 years ago)
okay fantastic lead in drums always a hit ,,no pun intended ,,lol reall great sound ,,can you say rock star ? I can ! love the page background too ! ROCK IT STRAIGHT TO THE TOP YA'LL !
Michelle Kasajian
Michelle Kasajian  (about 12 years ago)
Enjoyed the listen!
Jeffreaux  (about 12 years ago)
The imagery in your video is fitting to your sound – you have universal music, meaning every music lover can find something they love in it – quite an accomplishment!
Jim Marcotte
Jim Marcotte  (about 12 years ago)
Enjoying your page! Thanks for reaching out - greetings from Seattle - peace
Berthe Trépat
Berthe Trépat  (about 12 years ago)
Nice music!! 'Eaten Alive' and 'Why Now' are truly great! Hope to hear more from you in the near future. All the best.