
Inherited Infection / Comments

Tommy Stackz™
Tommy Stackz™  (over 12 years ago)
keep up the good work
JohnnyX & the Wild
JohnnyX & the Wild  (over 12 years ago)
Heavy,....Stellar Musicianship.....!!!!
June Stevenson
June Stevenson  (over 12 years ago)
Hey guys keep up the great work :)
FORBIDDEN RIFF  (over 12 years ago)
kick ass melodic metal, nice work guys
DJ Antonio
DJ Antonio  (over 12 years ago)
While visiting your page, sensacional music !!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS -------- greetings DJ ANTONIO
Jimmy Byrd
Jimmy Byrd  (over 12 years ago)
I nreally dig the music you guys are playin!!
G'HENNA  (over 12 years ago)
Nick Johns
Nick Johns  (over 12 years ago)
nice work lads.... thanks for sharing..
A Dead Among The Living (OFFICIAL)
A Dead Among The Living (OFFICIAL)  (over 12 years ago)
Hey! Great style and sound you have here..Awesome drummin'!!
The Billy Button Alternative
The Billy Button Alternative  (over 12 years ago)
Awesome work guys !!!!