
Paul Chantrill / Comments

Justin Langston
Justin Langston  (over 13 years ago)
You have some great things I see here on your site...Nice Job and wishing you only the best on your journey...Your friend........♪♫♪♪ Justin Langston ♪♪♫♪
Todd C. Stone
Todd C. Stone  (over 13 years ago)
your guitar work is absolutely beautiful, great tracks!!
LSB2  (over 13 years ago)
Hi Paul, many thanks for the friendship! :-) Great tunes on your page, I really enjoyed listening to them! :-) Take care Paul, and all the best for 2011! :-) Andy ☺
LunariaN  (over 13 years ago)
By the way, my deepest sympathy to the victims in latest flood in Queensland. May you guys tough facing the current condition and could start a new life as soon as possible. Rivelino-LunariaN
LunariaN  (over 13 years ago)
AWESOME ! I really love your style, tunes, arrangements, whatever it is. Mind-blowing acoustics. Congratulations ! Cheers from Indonesia ! LunariaN
Marie Satch
Marie Satch  (over 13 years ago)
Beautiful guitar work, and great compositions Paul..Really enjoyed listening to your tracks! Keep up the wonderful work my fellow brother in Cairns..As i pray for Qld and Brisband in this time of dispair! Blessings to you -Marie Satch
Paul Chantrill
Paul Chantrill  (over 13 years ago)
Thank you so much Marie fro your kind words and also thinking of us up here at this time. Brisbane is my home town and I grew and worked there fro many years so every scene and experience there now causes a lot of anguish. You are a wonderful talent it would be nice to stay in touch with you. Kind wishes Paul
Pearl Black
Pearl Black  (over 13 years ago)
Paul! ya got me green with envy man! man i love your style with the strings that just penetrate the heart!....Pearl
Andy Salvanos
Andy Salvanos  (over 13 years ago)
Hi Paul. thanks for finding me; love your sound too. I will definitely keep listening!
Judy LeNora -- singer-songwriter-poetry
Judy LeNora -- singer-songwriter-poetry  (over 13 years ago)
Just Beautiful !!
Roxey  (over 13 years ago)
Lovely guitar and music Paul, thank you ..and keep on creating...;) Roberta