
Serious Nubian / Blog

Brand New Podcast Up

Yes just this minute posted another brand new podcast episode of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions.Featuring Fred Wilson hosting brand new cutting edge music with original Musicians and Artists.This podcast is always evolving and we strive to make each podcast better each time so we would greatly appreciate donations to further develop the podcast .We accept donations at paypal and patreon.com .Check out the podcast at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com also at https://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe .Also any bands that want to feature on the podcast ,then go to the website at http://www.seriousnubian.com/

New Episode Coming Up This Weekend

Tune into the latest episode of the Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions this coming weekend.Go to http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com and https://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe

New Podcast Published

Just this minute published another episode of my Podcast Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions featuring Fred Wilson.So if you like cutting edge music with a groove ,go check out the links and enjoy the show at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com and also by going to https://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe.

Podcast Now Also On Acast.com

Just a brief reminder that a brand new podcast episode of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions will be up this coming weekend but what i really wanted to say is that not only will the podcast be available on Podomatic.com ,but it will also be available at Acast.com .So don't forget to check out the latest episodes of Ultimate Vibe this coming weekend hosted by Fred Wilson.Visit these links at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com also at https://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe .Its also available on Acasts App as well.Don't forget to check out the new revamped website at www.seriousnubian.com

New Podcast Episode

Latest update is that i just posted a new podcast of my show Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions.You can check this out by going to http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com I was also busy updating my website.Its not quite finished yet but you can check it out at www.seriousnubian.com

New Podcast Episode

Well here we are again and its a brand new year 2017.I'm not going to say have a happy or prosperous new year because everybody else says that and i'm not one for following the rest of the herd .A new year to me just means everyone gets older and time goes fast enough as it is already.If this keeps up, i'll be looking at taking retirement goddamit. Getting older really sucks ,hate it detest it,don't want nothing to do with it.So i'll just go along in my own mind that i'm still Twenty Six and leave it at that.So to change the subject i just finished producing another podcast ,i'm on my twenty third episode now.My podcast is still evolving so there will be more changes coming in the future .In the meantime you can check out the latest episode at


I'm also working on a brand new yet to be titled album which will be out in a few months .It will feature brand new tracks some that have already been featured on the podcast ,but it will also feature older tracks that had been released some years back but i was'nt satisfied with how i mixed them ,so i reworked and remixed the older tracks and they will be on the new album also.The current one i have titled Just A Feeling is also available ,you can download this at

http://www.seriousnubian.com and also at http://www.createspace.com/800037276

A New Podcast

I guess i have to say it though it sounds corny, Happy Holidays to whoever is reading this .Have to say that i’m glad this years done, 2016 totally sucked as far as i’m concerned .People dying of like flies who’d have thought that Prince would pass and other Musicians like Keith Emerson,David Bowie would be gone also? Alot of deaths this year i’m begining to wonder what the hells going on.Anyways enough of the negative, i just completed episode 22 of yet another podcast of my show “Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions”so give it a listen e-mail comments and opinions and i’ll definetly give it a mention on the next podcast episode.So click on the link and give it a listen

http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com www.seriousnubian.com www.createspace.com/800037276

New Podcast Episode

I just posted another episode of my podcast up online so don't forget to check it out at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com

Sponsors for my podcast

I’m not on this site as much as i ’d like to be .One reason for that is that i’m doing a zillion things at once so i tend to forget stuff,but it all leads to one thing and thats to further develop a better brand that i’m putting out my music and podcast.Now what some of you may not know is that i do have a podcast that i produce on weekends.Right now its a showcase for my music,but further down the line i would like to develop that even more and have a podcast that features new talent in the Funk/R&B/Jazz genre.I would feature their music have them on the show as guests to talk about their music etc.At some point i may look at having the show on the internet in the video format.What i’m looking for right now is sponsors to advertise on my podcasts as well as my website .Now i have one of those patreon pages up so you can even donate ,all it takes is just a $1 each to get this of the ground you can do this by going to https://www.patreon.com/marcusdavis i also have a page for sponsors at https://www.advertisecast.com/MarcusDavisPodcast if you need to contact me personally then either go to my website at http://www.seriousnubian.com or e-mail marcusdavis40@yahoo.ca or call at 2894409693. In the meantime don’t forget to tune into my podcast at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com

Maceo Parker

My girlfriend and myself went to see Maceo Parker last weekend at the Burlington Arts Centre.For those of you who don’t know who Maceo Parker is ,he use to be in James Browns backing band The JBs back in the 60’s.He also played with Parliament,and Bootsy Collins Rubber Band.Have to say that he put on a bloody good set.His band was super tight.They all displayed some serious licks when it came to their solo spots.Had to have been the best thing i’d seen this year with Dumpsta Funk having been the best thing i’d seen the previous year when they performed at Nathan Philips Square.Man whenever we go out to see a really good band it just does'nt get any better than that.Its too bad that the music industry has changed up so much that you don’t see to many live Funk/RnB type bands out in the mainstream as much anymore,only these poncey assed celebrity types that are geared towards screaming 12 year olds .Thank goodness theres some Funk/RnB bands out there still doing it gigging,touring , Ohio Players , Mint Condition .If they ever tour and make it up to my part of the woods,we’ll definetly make it our mission to go out and see them.Locate and support the Funk is what i’m saying.While i’m on this subject i just finished making another podcast of my show Ultimate Vibe ,so feel free to tune in don’t forget to e-mail your comments of what you think,opinions etc.


