
Serious Nubian / Blog

Posted A Podcast

I hope everybody had a good holiday weekend .If you ask me it went way too quick.But that aside ,i just published another podcast episode of my show Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions.So be sure to visit and give it a listen.Also thanx to all the other listeners that tune in on a regular basis especially at numberonemusic.com . We always want to make this show better so don't forget to make a pledge at patreon.com or at paypal.com so don't be shy every little bit helps .We'll even give you a plug on the show.So don't forget to tune in at


http://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe iStock_000003351550Small_Fotor https://www.buzzsprout.com/80671


New Podcast Published

New Podcast episode published. Join Fred Wilson for a cool fast paced show featuring original Funk Fusion jams from a cutting edge highly talented Musician.




Just Published The Latest Podcast

Bloody hell what a miserable day out ,but the good news is i just published a new podcast .So go check it out at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com and also at www.seriousnubian.com

New Podcast Published

Join Fred Wilson on a musical journey of cutting edge groove defined music from an original ground breaking Musician http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com

Published New Podcast

Fred Wilson is here to host and to invite you on another musical journey of cutting edge original music from a ground breaking Musician. http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com

Saw A Great Movie Today

My girlfirend and i went to check out the movie "Get Out" downtown today .Have to save its one of the best movies i'v seen in a while. Totally enjoyed it ,usually when we go out for a movie these days i end up sleeping thru half of it .I don't know whether its due to the fact that the movie was'nt grabbing my attention enough or i'm generally fatigued.But i managed to stay the course on "Get Out".Its a really good flick .So on that note,let me take the time to mention my latest podcast and also my album.The podcast is on youtube so you can check it out at https://youtu.be/yIx9ezRtLLo also at the regular links at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com and www.acast.com/ultimatevibe and also at www.blubrry.com/ultimatevibeaudio .Plus don't forget to check my album at http://www.seriousnubian.com/new-album-release .

New Podcast Up

Its cold and windy out tonight ,have'nt blogged here for a while ,i'm still working on music for a yet to be titled album that hopefully i'll be able to release in the Spring.Its coming on quite nicely though.In the meantime if you're looking to get my current album which is titled Just A Feeling,you can do so by going to www.seriousnubian.com and also by going to www.createspace.com/800037276 .Also a new podcast is also up of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions .You can tune into that by going to http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com .Plus you can also go to www.acast.com/ultimatevibe and also to www.blubrry.com/ultimatevibeaudio

New Podcast Episode

Well its another weekend and i get to chill out for once,i just published another episode of my podcast Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions online so join Fred Wilson on another musical journey of cutting edge music from brand new original musicians.Go to http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com Also podcast is available at





New Podcast Published

I just this minute posted a brand new episode for my podcast show Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions.I think its coming along quite nicely so far and slowly gathering momentum in regards to generating an audience ,but i’m always looking at developing it further to make it a better brand thats why i’m selling advertising space on my podcast so go to the link if you’re an advertiser looking to advertise ,go to https://www.advertisecast.com/UltimateVibeAudioMusicProductions other than that to check out this weekends current episode go to http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com also http://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe and at https://www.blubrry.com/ultimatevibeaudio/ Visit the website also at http://www.seriousnubian.com/

Check my podcast

Geeez what a week .I can’t even watch or read any news media without seeing Trumps stupid mug plastered all over it.I shan’t dwell on it too much but i would like to mention a major big up props to all the women who mobilized ,organized and marched in Washington DC and the world over nothing but respect.Too bad Michelle is’nt running for office right now she’d nail it hands down.But heres another thing ,I just this minute posted another brand new podcast episode of Ultimate Vibe Audio Music Productions.Featuring Fred Wilson hosting brand new cutting edge music with original Musicians and Artists.This podcast is always evolving and we strive to make each podcast better each time so we would greatly appreciate donations to further develop the podcast .We accept donations at paypal and patreon.com .Check out the podcast at http://marcusdavis402872.podomatic.com also at https://www.acast.com/ultimatevibe .Also any bands that want to feature on the podcast ,then go to the website at http://www.seriousnubian.com/