
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

The Universal Language...

Greetings my friends to the stories that never end... Aye, this is NorthernBandit and as usual I've got something to say! I was brousing this morning when a video poped up from a Musical friend of mine from France...Frankie RedCloud and his Band. They were performing live in a club amidst the ambience in the room Rocking quite defiantly to there own pulse and lyrically in the native tongue. I couldn't help thinking after watching and hearing them play that something caught my attention and stayed with me enough to make me wonder what I just experienced. These are the things that inspire men and women to step outside of the norm and reach for enlightenment of the musical kind. Elevated perception...a sense of intregue, most assuredly a spark of necessity for the creative mind in search of a new excitement in creating music... Aye...thats what Rock and Roll will do to you!

Drawing your attention...

Hello there Rock Fans...how y'all doin? What draws your attention to playing, creating, recording anything, the thing that makes you begin? For me it's the moment...in the old days I had all my gear ready and able so if there was something that got my attention I could just plug in and go for it...an ideal condition. Sadly that isn't the way it is anymore. At 69 years of age I still have a full time day job and my guitars and recording studio is packed into the corner of a room in our home and difficult to break into at any given moment. So much for excuses aye...it does require time set aside to do anything these days for me on a personal level but here is the thing, I need to be actively seeking the attention of my musical gear...they can't do it for me. So I hope your inspiration is strong...those are the best times for really great music. Don't try too hard to make it happen and when it does, as has been said in a lyric...Let your Love Flow! Rock on!

The Title track this week...Nothing But The Blues

Greetings! So what makes your rhythm Rock? Why do you choose to have a certain sound from your Guitars or your Bass? Why do your lyrics fit so well to your voice?

I have heard interviews and read stories of many people in music and in acting who when asked can't discribe theses things.

It doesn't make them less than what they are and it doesn't question their authenticity...to some people merely the experience of their action is all that can be and thankfully we as fans and musicians or artists ourselves can appreceate them just as they are but...there is a reason for everything.

I have been in the Blues my whole life quite literally, but that doesn't make me a Blues Man. I think if a question could be asked the question might be " how is it that someone becomes a Blues Player in the first place?

In my own instance it is about what someone has experienced in their life, how through diversity that person has come to understand things and how even with time pain never really deminishes but the wisdom one gains from learning abour the conditions of life provides a place that helps to balance the difficulties with music, words and the power of the human soul.

Here is something to think on...inspiration comes in many guises, not always from the genre you are in when writing or recording. This is about Harmonica and this song.

In the case of the Blues when someone say's Charlie Musslewhite...or Sonny Boy Williams or John Mayall, the list is longer that one could detail their legacy but what happens as does with me is I have never just listened to the Blues ( or maybe all music is the blues aye? ), what that means is to be anything one needs to be open to the whole effect of life...as indiviguals we become all these things.

To me Mouth Harp has always been an emotional instrument, it can spur on a dialog in the context of of a single experience as a solo instrument and can also be a great lift up in the body of a tune in a whole Band configuation.

As far as specifics it is a matter of setting a tone...a feeling and expressing an emotion, in my song here I believe it just may have done that very thing.

My Blues tag is Mississippi Fats from some ancient history in my life, it was not given to me because I was a Blues Musician way back then...

The song " NOTHING BUT THE BLUES " is my creation about one of the many life experiences we have and share...the many instantances that merge together like a miracle and become a vehicle that breathes of the life we all value.

From me to you, I hope you might enjoy this little piece of magic and feel the presence of three odd fellows that inspired me to write and record this song...

Robert Johnson, Fats Domino and John Lennon

Thanx for listening, you are in NorthernBandit Territory

listen to the wind...

Aye...we all come from different tribes and traditions, many of us see and hear things with different eyes and ears. It does not take walking in another mans shoes to understand the brutality men place upon there fellow brothers and sisters in the larger sense of the meaning of life, what it does require is compassion and empathy from a single focal point and to allow your wisdom to dictate your actions. This is life, this is the way. I am an an American Singer/Songwriter, though my heritage from ions past is from places far away my American legacy has allowed me in our modern society to experience for myself and that of other like souls the burdon and feeling of being oppressed to the point of heartbreak. Simple things, uncluttered by retorical statement and rules brings the soul to an equal place among all men, it is whether a mans spirit will allow him to hear and to see with the clarity that is required and will allow oneself to truely be free. Listen to the Wind, it calls you name! NorthernBandit.


I have been think about how I had done things in the past and in more recent times, the thing that stands out to me is a reflection of what I heard Quincy Jones say in an interview pertaining to an Artist and where the talent can come from and procede to. Goes something like this. Who ever you are there is an under lying current of expression. In it's basic form there is some brilliance that can show through and be built upon...that is what a producer can work from to develope a talent into something special. For me even in my roughest examples ( and usually those are the better things of what I have created ) when I had to work my hardest with the barest of equiptment, when push comes to shove, things alway seem to have a livelier spark, more soul, more depth and a deeper love. Back to basics.

Real Music...

Aye good evening. What I do musically and lyricly is so far from professionalism there is no comparrision that can be made between my supposed talent and the real telant in the World of Professional Entertainment to be spoken. This is not me crying because I want more recognition...an Artist can not just manufacture sound and have it mean something...Music is a very Soulful thing. It begins with a person and comes from them, from their spirit. People over time have expressed their feeling about sound...and for the most part if anyone had the experience of experiencing the magic of music knows that it is not implied it is found in the flutter of light late at night or in that time when all the power of a being is felt by the rays of sun light pouring through a morning window. To try to be a good songwriter is what one seeks one can not just build it like a house or a car. There must be heart and soul and about true feelings. I suppose then it is time to stop trying to be technical but to be savvy to the connection we all must have with the universe...to be free!

Stone Free

Not to be obtuse...from the time I finally woke up and realized what I wanted to do Artistically...my give a shite meter just shut down what others might have thought...not an arrogant action towards others, I am still a humble man, it's just I know what I want, what I like and if you don't agree then have a nice day. Stone Free!

The Blues

From time to time we all are subject to the slavery of our own being...It is difficult to sometimes recognize it because even in our strongest moments, at those times we feel we know the truth...we can be as far away from it as a wolf howling at the moon. There is no right or wrong with this but as it has been said many times before, an awakening is required to buffer the dull average message that makes all men vulnerable. Destiny is a result, after it has all been said and done it is what comes after everything one man can do or possess. To what value is there in holding something so tight as to not let it breathe or lock it behind closed ambition and prevent brothers and sisters to see? Though we all might be suffering the same effect it is each of us that has the ability to change the condition. The end result is to be awake, this does not mean to live mearely to see and understand ones position in and of the places we are in but also to share our experiences. Written By: Arthur Breinne McKendrick Copyeight : 04/14/2022


Aye...good evening. A bit of truth to be told...I may have used creative license from a LZ track called bring it on home but...other than the inspiration from one of my favorite Rock Bands my song here was created from me following a well know Blues Artist, one Robert Johnson. Created by my alter ego...Mississippi Fats/ Burt K Arthur You are in NorthernBandit Territory on ReverbNation. Come on in and have a listen. https://www.reverbnation.com/northernbandit/song/25472184-nothing-but-blues-ft-mississippi

What do you do?

Aye, good evening! I have spent my whole adult life and pre-teen years being infatuated with Entertainmment and The Music Business...early on it was all I cared about to the point of teaching myself how to achieve what I wanted most. I am no exception at what I do ...it is more about fun than having to be mentality chained to a job...this is my Souls hobbie and I still pay alot of attention to why I got into this in the first place...to play guitar, sing a lyric and tell a story that might be exciting to who ever cares to listen. At the root of it, all this is the inspiration one gets from the environment from where you come from. It is about Rhythm...and tempo, about timbre and dynymics...emotion and electrical and physical power that makes why I am different than others though it might just be the same. Please...take some time, chjack it out...you may not like all that you hear but I can tell you this...no two tracks are the same. It Friday night...time to turn it up, Rock till you drop! Your listening to NorthernBandit Raido on Reverb Nation! Welcome!