
NorthernBandit / Burt K. Arthur / Mississippi Fats / Blog

Stop doing that!

...I have had plenty of people over the years tell me no for various reasons, not all bad responses to things I may have personally done that people were offended by. Sometimes we don't always see eye to eye.

Interestingly enough thats usually the time I think about my surroundings and think maybe it's time to readjust the way I am approaching things.

Music is part of who I have always been...does not denote any level of professionalism, just my commitment to the ideals I hold true to my Heart.

What that means for me now is to refocus my intensions...do you do that too? Well maybe not understanding we are all different, right!

So if there is an answer to this riddle it's this, be free from the things that trap you, stop trying and just do, drop the limitations placed on living your life and Let It Be.

It is not an easy thing to accomplish, but stopping the thought processes and be aware of the surrounding that give you the inspiration to create and have fun...

I'm heading down that road myself, hope to see you along the way my friends.

Rock till you Drop!

Summer is here?

Aye, summer according to the seasonal beliefs is here...but where I am from which is the Northwest region of Puget Sound in the Northwest part of Washington State here in the United States...we are about a month behind in the actual weather...and the garden and creatures are in the same kid of delima we are facing here and in other places of the world...and then there is the need to write and record something new which is seemingly more appealing now then it has been in the last few years. Hope you all get your inspiration and share what it is you are doing! Rock till you drop my friends it's all we've got!

Music, Recording and....self.

As savvy as I think I am concerning life ( the human experience ). There are things not many of us think about concerning life, life is not as skins deep as Elon Musk recently spoke about and weirdly enough I agree to a point. Music, playing musical instruments, writing songs, creating poetry...these are all things of the spirt and soul of the living, many of these things takes time and I am personally gratefull for the time Music and being a Musician affords me but as Elon was saying more specifically about AI ( Artificial Intelligence ), it appears the faster information is gathered, there appears to be a hidden danger to somethings that make you and me vulnerable in the future. People talk about Anolog and Digital and not too often speak about the differences or the benifits or the difficulties either of them have on a human population. There was a time I remember not long ago when I thought to myself and had great excitement at the chance to do my own thing musically by being ablle to share with others locally and worldly with the simple construct of communication on an common platform about humanistic things, mostly Art but too have the opportunity to listen and understand others with similar thoughts. This was and is a seriously huge leap from calling a friend on a phone or running into a friend in a store and having chitchat about whatever was needed to be said. Talk about music, writing, film what have you. The small town local Rock Band can now be a part of the world cybernet without much effort and to think a mere 40 years ago how slow the process was if you wanted to be a Rock and Roll STAR. It's not the idea of becoming who you arn't but it is about what inspiration allows you to develope in the professional ambitions you have even if you are non professional like myself. The interspace or Internet always sounded too good to be true and like Artifical Intelligence ( AI ) there is a pandora's box condition that down the line poses it own set of cunundrums to both real life and like the life we really want and need. Ok...enough with the Si-Fi and back to earth. I play Guitar for a reason, it keeps me grounded to who I am, Lets all keep that idea an focus becauce quite frankly with out the human interaction which sometime makes us angry, frustrated, elated and happy to be who we are...Digital is not the answer for LIFE. Rock and Roll is here to stay as long as I'm alive, Hope you feel the same! Rock till you drop!

Better Days Ahead...

What does your soul tell you when you are deep in mixing a track you are working on? Aye, this is NorthernBandit, let me tell you a story about writing and creating music. For me it does not start out complicated, for most of us, I suppose we would rather not have it that way but sometimes it is more complicated than we really wanted in the first place. I happened to be a Solo Artist and it pains me a lot to be this in the corner as an Artist person...lots of pressure to be the workingman doing everything with no one but me taking the lead, it can really wear on the spirit of a project if things become strained. Now don't misunderstand what I am saying...hard work is what it takes...but having other talient in the room can allow you as a creator to be more transendential, open and free, this make for a better atmosphere for the subject of your songs and gives the music a real chance to live. I find myself sometimes struggling to be loose...and as a result the music can feel like a spring wound too tight, too much tension. One thing I developed a long time ago is to give myself space and time, try not to hurry up and get things accomplished...there is no deadline worse than the one that makes you unable to think clearly and create smoothly if it constantly is tapping you on the shoulder to be done. The end of a project can be satisfying and it can be sad too. It is the journey that makes the song a joy to have created. It has been a couple of years now since I last layed some music down...the 24 track is calling out to me and I am beginning to think the time is approaching to get busy and have some fun. Hope you are feeling some love for music too. Keep the faith, Rock till you drop!

Cause for excitement!

When I was a kid, maybe 4ish 5...I remember the first time I heard someone playing a drum kit. I was dumbfounded, completely took me over, and when they stopped playing I wanted to go see where the sound had been coming from I was to say bit to say the least...that was somewhere around 1956. Now bounce foreward to 1973, I'd a been 19 going on infinity and I was really getting into Brittish Blues. By that time I began playing the Electric Bass Guitar and loving the sound of a Band and all the glory that was part of live music. I knew quite well who EC was as a guitarist...from the short lived time of Cream but for me Eric was breaking a new path away from his early sound, the most obvious was changing from playing a Les Paul to playing a Fender Stratocaster instead. Problem being his style was changing and I wasn't ready for the switch and then I heard Peter Green. Ok so let me back up a bit...early mid 60's...Eric had been with John Mayall...so was John McVie on Bass who I was understuding in the Blues, a bit before my indulgences but as thing later would change another fellow Blues Guitarist stepped into Erics shoes when EC left the Blues Breakers, a fellow Les Paul player name Peter Greenbaum. About 1974 I went to a record store and found an Album called History Of The Brittish Blues Vol. 1 and a song called " Someday After a while ". This was the 1st lp Peter Played on with Mayall and it opitimises the sound I have gravitated toward when playing my own Les Paul to this day. As many already know Peter played a 1959 Standard with a quite unique tone...having to do with the two Humbuckings magnetically reverse or out of phase magnetically with each other giving rise to the "GREENIES TONE". If you are interested further...you can find this information available in all forms...but don't just take my word for it, have a listen to Peter Green with John Mayall and the Blues Breakers...Someday After a while.

A Bio

A biography is somewhat like an obituary, thankfully I ain't dead yet I jest!

More than 50 years has past since I bought my first Guitar and a lot has developed over that time that makes Music still a very important part of my life.

In the beginning I suppose it was a matter of the need for expression, as a young teenager I was a Fan of everything Brittish Pop and Rock...the education about sound and performance opened up like the feeling you get on a bright sunny morning before vacation begins, total excitement.

This reaction is constantly smouldering in the undertow of life, forever present and engaging my thoughts in every manner.

To have the ability to energize the machinery on a moments notice is something I miss completly...Music is form, production and creation needs dedicated time to be able to breathe life without being rushed though even in the best of conditions, the act of musicianship has it's moments of strain, put on either externally or by the Artist themselves but...

There is no denying the joy one experiences and expresses in do so...playing musical instruments, singing and producing sound that provokes the meaning of the whole of our experiences.

I long for the opportunity to play again in the studio, to muse and to ponder the possibilities and hope that when the time comes it is without regret for time that has past.

Crude though it may be the only thing that makes any sense of life or what you love to do most is this...


Time to get busy...

...It's a good day for music, aye! Generally speaking, I find myself getting antsy these days, it has been sometime now that I created anything worthy of an effort. Sometimes life stuff has a way of blocking the path to expression. Not that there isn't sometime to right about, its the playing part of it. I am like so many of you...I need to have an instrument at my figure tips and the headphones on with the sound piped in moderately loud. What it does come down to is Action...enough with the talk. Time to get busy. Maybe soon!

What inspires you to write a song?

So the question does arise... What instrument do you play?

If you are Guitar oriented like me, It's all about the Guitars.

...I just watched a very cool interview with Mike Campbell, Lead and Rhythm Guitarist who was with Tom Petty from the beginning, Mike Campbell made a point ( I am influenced too in a similar way ) when thinking about something new, it starts with picking up one of my guitars and begin noodling about.

Whether it's a Gibson or a Fender...the guitar can spark an emotion for a song to soar in what ever the tone of the guitar will take it. That is very exciting to me and like Mike Campbell was saying it is what inspires great sounds due to the connection we have with other historical guitar tones and a direction for some memorial moments for a Rockin tune to get created.

I won't try to identify my analogy to the songs on this Long Play presention here by yours truly but believe me the sounds are intentional as only in Rock can they be.

If you like what you hear and if you don't mind, drop me a line and a note to let me know what you think...

...thanks for taking the time!

You are now listening to NorthernBandit Radio on ReverbNation!

Rock on! https://www.reverbnation.com/northernbandit/album/288222-top-five-songs-plus-1


I am no expert but I am who I am. Experts work from a platform with a set of rules that define where their expertise originates from, usually at the cost of new knowledge or their advancement in the changing world around them. I suppose the down side of being an expert in a particular field of anything is being trapped by the obscurity that comes with anything created though I doubt that change ones ways or developing a new style will make much good to the future if those who care about consistency jump ship for lack of being able to follow a new path. If one does something learned long enough there does come a certain ease about when tasks come about and are brought to fruit like songwriting but again there are no secure ways to promise that popularity on any level will withstand time. In honest retrospect I suppose a writer, as long as he or she stays true to the reasons one first began might help to galvanize ones place but as so many find out, this thing many of us possess only happens from the internal struggles we face and the necessity to find a solution through sound and music, because as it has been said, talking about such things...anything, especially music and writing is simply over rated. It is a matter of doing what your heart tells you, what your soul motivates you to do and the love you have for the ability to know the difference between all these things and work for a common goal. As it has been said, that sometimes...even when one thinks something should be said, silence at the right moment is golden.


I am no expert but I am who I am. Experts wotk from a platform with a set of rules that define where their expertise originates from, usually at the cost of new knowledge or their advancement in the changing world around them. I suppose the down side of being an expert in a particular field of anything is being trapped by the obscurity that comes with anything created though I doubt that change ones ways or developing a new style will make much good to the future if those who care about consistency jump ship for lack of being able to follow a new path. If one does something learned long enough there does come a certain ease about when tasks come about and are brought to fruit like songwriting but again there are no secure ways to promise that popularity on any level will withstand time. In honest retrospect I suppose a writer, as long as he or she stays true to the reasons one first began might help to galvanize ones place but as so many find out, this thing many of us possess only happens from the internal struggles we face and the necessity to find a solution through sound and music, because as it has been said, talking about such things...anything, especially music and writing is simply over rated. It is a matter of doing what your heart tells you, what your soul motivates you to do and the love you have for the ability to know the difference between all these things and work for a common goal. As it has been said, that sometimes...even when one thinks something should be said, silence at the right moment is golden.