
Larry Insana / Blog

06-20-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-20-13-My Morning Thoughts: If there was ever a time in this mixed up world to share the love it’s now…just trying to comprehend all this news lately has given me one big headache! You said this, I didn’t say that, I meant this…bla bla bla…our government elected officials sound a lot like my grade schools days in the principal’s office…the main difference is I had detention and these guys get to go on extended breaks and vacation’s to chill for awhile…what a world…keep a smile on your face friends cause it’s still ‘your’ smile…plain and simple.

06-19-13-My Morning Thoughts: “1 or 2 days”

06-19-13-My Morning Thoughts: “1 or 2 days” I want to go back 35 years, just for a day or two; there are some things I’d like to change a little…there were a few punches I wish I hadn’t thrown, a couple of swear words at particularly sensitive times, an overly amount of indulgences I happen to partake in, a few things that may have come up missing…on second thought, one or two days back may not be enough…plain and simple.

06-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Troll Bridge”

06-18-13-My Morning Thoughts: “Troll Bridge” There was this old bridge across from Euclid Avenue above the Willow Arms area that we use to play on. All the older kids called it the “Troll Bridge” and told us youngsters that an old troll lived under the bridge. We did see this old troll from time to time and ran like hell every time!…looking back and knowing that this was probably a homeless person that was just a man that lived under the bridge because he had nowhere else to go…man all the food my mom use to make back then…why didn’t I ever ask him if he was hungry or needed anything…not one of my fondest adult memories thinking back to the childhood memory…I should have done something…plain and simple.

06-17-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-17-13-My Morning Thoughts: I’m not a big gamer but I have been told a time or two that I play to many games…there is a difference…one you play and one plays you…plain and simple. PS: Happy Birthday to my son Bob…I am a lucky man to have a son like him…have a great day Bob and I love you…and thanks for planning that great weekend of camping for your brother’s bachelor party and us all…well done!

06-14-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-14-13-My Morning Thoughts: Man I use to love a peanut butter and a marshmallow cream sandwich! I don’t even know if they still make that marshmallow stuff anymore? Good stuff though!...thanks Mom!...have a great weekend all and I’m going camping in PA!...plain and simple.

06-13-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-13-13-My Morning Thoughts: “I’m mad as hell and I just can’t take it anymore”...man, those were the days…some great old movies that were big-time when I was much younger and the statements made seemed much greater…plain and simple.

06-12-13-My Morning Thoughts: “backpacking”

06-12-13-My Morning Thoughts: “backpacking” I use to backpack in my younger days…serious get dropped off at the bottom of a mountain and see ya two weeks latter backpacking! Not hiking trails either (although that was enjoyed as well) but good old fashion bush whacking! Traversing mountain sides and scaling waterfalls building shelters…just cool stuff. When I think about it I really enjoyed the woods, everything from the view to the natural whispery sounds to the smells and the whistling of the wind. Sometimes when I get a moment I can almost experience that carefree sensation that I loved the most about one on one with Mother Nature…I sure would like to take it up again in the days ahead…however the memories most likely might have to suffice at this point in life’s journey…enjoy the day all…plain and simple.

06-10-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-10-13-My Morning Thoughts: If you voted or didn’t vote for president Obama should we be concerned that he says things like (“I don’t know anything on that matter and I was not made aware of that until I saw it on the news like you folks”) a bit too many times? I would hope that the president, any president, would know things a tad early than I get it on the news, No?…plain and simple.

06-07-13-My Morning Thoughts: Racist?…well then stop!

06-07-13-My Morning Thoughts: Racist?…well then stop! Those of you that are racist should probably stop reading right now! Those of you who are not…it’s probably a good time to show it off right now!! We all have differences and traditions no matter how big or small however the common denominator is we all have each other in this mixed up and sometimes confusing world! Hate, because you don’t know, as those of you do know, because you continued reading…is somewhat insane don’t ya think? As time moves on and people learn each other with familiarity and worldwide bonding (from the neighbor next door to the FB friend halfway across the world that we probably will never meet) it’s all up to us to carry the open arm, open mind and open heart to all who are willing…Solely because these are rather trying times can never mean, we solely stop trying…having a great weekend all while I hope you do the same…peace…plain and simple.

06-06-13-My Morning Thoughts:

06-06-13-My Morning Thoughts: What a great time at the Lure Bistro last night! I am a very fortunate person to have such fantastic support for something I love to do! I love to write songs about my experiences through life and I so love to share them with all of you…many thanks to one and all…see ya real soon…plain and simple.