
Larry Insana / Blog

08-15-13-My Morning Thoughts: “kick-the-can”

08-15-13-My Morning Thoughts: “kick-the-can” I still think kick-the-can was the best game ever! It had all the essentials of all the great games. Physical activity, team work, strategy, second chances, and you only needed a street/field and a can!...not a PC, cell phone, TV, ball, video game, or anything but some kids that want to play together on a hot summer night…plain and simple.

08-14-13-My Morning Thoughts: “HOW TO MANUAL”

08-14-13-My Morning Thoughts: “HOW TO MANUAL” We learn so much growing up although I’m sure we forgot so much just the same. I’m wondering if all the good things learned should have been written in a “how to” manual or something? Can you imagine if everyone was at least taught once the differences between good and bad, how to treat your elders, why you don’t talk with your mouth full, how swearing isn’t always cool, why you should respect your teachers (even the ones you don’t like or don’t like you), why men should open the doors for women, or sometimes when you know your right it’s best to keep your mouth shut, and all the basic do’s and don’ts of the world…I must say, I would of bought a copy and probably handed it down like the old family Bibles…plain and simple.

08-13-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-13-13-My Morning Thoughts: I am definitely the king of my castle (in my own mind), yet fortunately, it gives me great pleasure in saying, the queen has many more moves…plain and simple.

08-12-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-12-13-My Morning Thoughts: Half full, half empty…we all heard it before. Why can’t it just be three quarters full or a quarter empty to make it so much easier? We are either going to do something or we are not…but more importantly when we do something we should do it right and that will end all arguments or any confusion right there. I would much rather take an extra minute and get it done right than run around like a fool and forget something or do something wrong that I have to go back too and correct later…I remember in the early years when I was taught how to mow the lawn by my father he would always say check the easiest thing first if you have a problem. You know like, is there gas in the mower! The reason it comes to mind is the first time I ever used that excuse that the mower wouldn’t start, guess what the first thing he asked me was…did you check the gas! Uuuuuuuuhhhhhhhhh…no…so how do ya thing that ended? Dad, went over checked the gas, filled up the gas, and pulled it once and vroom vroom vroom…well I imagine there was three vroom’s…I barely got to hear the first vroom!...anyway, I continually try to do things the best I can and when problems arise I check the simplest part first…an awfully good lessoned learned I must say…plain and simple.

08-09-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-09-13-My Morning Thoughts: There is no time like yesterday…hope you didn’t miss out on that time…but if ya did, make up for it today by being extra friendly…have a great weekend all, be safe and enjoy…plain and simple.

08-08-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-08-13-My Morning Thoughts: I have to say most mornings are wonderful and the ones that are not are probably my fault…so sorry if I messed up anyone’s morning ever…man, glad I got that off my chest this morning!...have a great day all, and remember…to have friends one must be friendly…plain and simple.

08-07-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-07-13-My Morning Thoughts: Is there a finite amount that we all have to take before we are considered stressed out? Will some stress out faster than others? Can some control it better than others? What is the answer to stopping or releasing or flat out beating stress? Food for thought here: Bob Hope 100 years old, Milton Burrell 94, George Burns 100, Don Rickles 87, Dick Vandyke 86, Red Buttons 87, Red Skelton 84 and a host of others that made us laugh and lived to a ripe old age…do we see a pattern here?...laugh people laugh…it must help something…plain and simple.

08-06-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-06-13-My Morning Thoughts: Peace all…plain and simple.

08-05-13-My Morning Thoughts: its Monday

08-05-13-My Morning Thoughts: its Monday Although we can’t go back (at least I don’t think so) it’s the back that gets us here correct? We are what we’ve learned along the way. Some things remain imbedded in our brains as sure as the sun rises and so many of them are reconstituted and shared throughout our lives, like it or not. I like to think everyone has something to offer and I will always enjoy hearing (and reading) a good story of tradition or even tribulations because so many of us can relate to each other’s experiences, some good, some maybe not so good but either way…when we share we learn and when we learn it’s ours forever…plain and simple.

08-02-13-My Morning Thoughts:

08-02-13-My Morning Thoughts: Anyone have that feeling that everything is just perfect? All is well and it couldn’t get any better? The grass is greener on your side?...na, me either…but I tell ya what, I’m always trying for it though!...the journey for perfection can be a bit overwhelming…however…who would want to quest for the alternative…have a great weekend all and may all your journey’s be a wonderful experience…plain and simple.