
Soulful Echoes / Blog

Good Day

Today is a good and blessed day. The sun is shining. The birds are singing, My wonderful wife and I are sitting here just enjoying the humming birds. Going to work in a bit, off the next three days and going to see what to do. I have many things to choose from so we shall see. Please everyone have a great day !!!!!!

A good Day

I had a good day, though I worked hard but then I always stop and reflect on what is really important. We need to remember that life is not work eat and sleep. We have the beauty of life itself, we take this for granted too much. As I walk outside to get to my truck I see the birds, butterflies, trees blowing in the light breeze, the light flow of the clouds. These are what makes my heart smile. This is real life.!!!!!!!


I enjoyed my practice with my new drummer today. There is a good connection between us. Our new CD will be out soon! There are very few things that we need to talk about it is coming naturally to us.We are all very happy the way things are turning out.

Thank You

I would like to thank everyone that has purchased my CD and DVD in the last few days. Your response has been wonderful. May The Sun Always Shine on All Of You.

Good Morning World

Good morning world, I would like to thank everyone for voting for me in just these few days that I have been ranked #5 in Rock Hill, SC !! I am so happy to be able to bring this music to everyone. My heart felt music moves my soul on a daily basis. I am always having songs in my head playing, but until they hit my heart they stay inside. My whole life has been filled with music just waiting to be released to the world. My deepest wish is to bring happiness and peacefulness to you through my music.

July 14, 2013

As the day comes to a close, a few showers for the land we are blessed with, take the time to give thanks. Shared some dinner with a neighbor, enjoying time with my family.

Tomorrow is a new day, going to meet with my drummer for practice and whatever else Creator brings my way.

Peace and Love

July 14, 2013

As a friend would say "I'm Stoked" ! I am working on a new, CD; one that will paint a journey for your mind to wander into a peaceful place. Photo shoots, practices, jammin', reaching deep inside for the final countdown. Lots to process, I think it's time to go play some flutes, as a preacher told me to go "flutin".