
Soulful Echoes / Blog


I stopped by a local fire station today to play for our first responders. I went to some others also but most were out doing things. I will go back another day. We must keep all first responders in our prayers. Check out the new photo

Needing some help to get our first CD to YOU

Soulful Echoes has been working really hard to bring our music to the public. We thought we would give our fans a chance to be part of this exciting adventure. Just $5.00 to http://www.indiegogo.com/projects/462497/fblk willl help us so much. For $5.00 you will receive a thank you on your facebook and a MP3 download of our title song. This music has spirit and soul in it. Be a part of the adventure, we are counting on you. Just give up one fast food meal and you can be part of our DREAM. Thank you from Adrian, Laura, and Ann!!

New Video- Shape of all Shapes

Wow!!! The reviews we have been getting are mindblowing!! Had a child chanting to some of my music yesterday, no one knew what he was saying. Wow!! For all my fans, we ask your help, just $5.00 to bring our music to you. You will here one of our soon to be released songs with video.


We have reached fan # 55 and have surpassed it! We have been busy with recording our soon to be released album The First Peace. The winner of Journey's in Sedona wishes to remain anonymous, and her graciousness has allowed someone else to receive this album. The album was mailed yesterday and I know the lady will love it. She is soon to have heart surgery and I know how much this means to her. Our fans are GREAT and loving. I hope you will share your love. Many blessings to you all, including our winner. ~soulful echoes

The First Peace is our title song to our new CD

he Creator is paving the way for us but we are asking you, our FANS to help as well. You can donate as little as $5.00 or more. Please visit http://igg.me/at/soulfulechoes/x/3922894 to find out some wonderful PERKS just for you. This is an exciting, scary moment for us. We are putting our hearts out to you. Soul to Soul With much gratitude, Thank you from Adrian, Laura, Ann, and Joseph (who helped put the campaign together).

Indiegogo Campaign!!

Soulful Echoes has been working hard to get our Fund Raising Campaign up and running!! We are using Indiegogo to help us raise money for the next part of our journey. Getting our music into your hands and hearts. Letting us travel to share more of our music, to make more music. The Creator is paving the way for us but we are asking you, our FANS to help as well. You can donate as little as $5.00 or more. Please visit http://igg.me/at/soulfulechoes/x/3922894 to find out some wonderful PERKS just for you. This is an exciting, scary moment for us. We are putting our hearts out to you. Soul to Soul With much gratitude, Thank you from Adrian, Laura, Ann, and Joseph (who helped put the campaign together).


Good Sunday my friends. We are working on our next step towards getting our CD, The First Peace, into your hands. We are using Indiegogo, a fund raising campaign, to raised funds for this project. Donations as little as $5.00 can be made. Laura is diligently working on this, hopefully it will be done this coming week. Can't wait to find some more places to play!!! I hope this day brings you peace and joy ~ Soulful Echoes

The First Peace

The First Peace is the name of our soon to be released CD. We are releasing the title song for our many fans. We are thrilled beyond words, how the Creator has put people together to bring this about. We will continue to share news as it happens. Many wonderful thanks to those who have and are continuing to bring our CD to your hands. From our Soul to yours.

Fantastic Beginnings

Soulful Echoes is "Stoked". We have so many great ideas rushing around our heads. I talked to a friend in Western TN who wants us to come play. Laura is meeting with a lady Thursday about us playing at the hospital and also at the VA clinic here in town. Geri Littlejohn has so graciously donated some flutes for vets that might be interested in learning the flute. We are still looking for donated flutes, can be used. We are going to be contacting the new clinic in Greenville, SC.

CD is done, Indigogo is next, our graphic artists are working on that and finishing the CD cover. Many thanks to The Native Hippie and their work for us.

Now to get some playing gigs! We are thankful for All of our friends!


I am without my laptop, Yikes! Too many wonderful thoughts, sounds, and prayers running around my head this morning. Soulful Echoes recording with Merrick Music was incredible. Some of the songs left Ann Brock and myself in awe, tears, joy, words just can't describe. I prayed during Adrian's playing and Creator answered. Neal Merrick Blackwood worked his magic and is a delight to work with as well as a friend! Ann Brock played her soul with her percussion, we are ever so grateful Creator put her in our path, thanks to Native Hippie. We love you Moon. The Native Hippie is also part of our journey as well as our fans! Today is fine tuning day! Love you all