
raven black night / Blog

raven black night australian cd launch

we launch our cd in australia at the govener hindmarsh hotel south australia from 7.30pm with generation swine and piston broke for a night of hard rocking metal,stay posted for more australian dates followed by dates in europe to come check out www.metalblade.com/ravenblacknight to order the new cd http://www.moshtix.com.au/v2/event/raven-black-night-barbarian-winter-cd-launch/66413?&skin

shows reviews

we will start hitting the rock and roll highway again starting this wensday supporting kamelot at the gov hindmarsh south australia and then the strike metal club on friday june the 21st with manifesto,zero hour and elm street more shows to be announced soon around austrlia tues june 19th interviw loud and proud with leo 9pm south australin time www.threedradio.com click top left for life stream here is some new reviews as well stay rocking jim https://www.facebook.com/ravenblacknightofficial?ref=hl#!/photo.php?fbid=10201282563611350&set=a.2864845065470.150271.1390053284&type=1&theater http://www.metaltoinfinity.be/INTERVIEWS/Ravenblacknight_2013.html

new photos cds twitter

hey brothers and sisters of metal we have some new photos up details soon if any need to get our new cd lp of us or go to www.metalblade.com/ravenblacknight we are also on twitter now www.twitter.com/raveblackn stay metal wishing all a happy easter jim

new interviews

new interviews with metal news germany,metal sound and stormbringer austria htttp://www.metalnews.de-interviews-jim+petkoff+von+raven+night.1262 www.metal-sound.net-interviews.phpread+raven www.stormbringer.at-interviews.phpid+1307

reviews cds and more

it has been a whirlwind month with many great reviews and interviews across europe,england nth america check out www.facebook.com/ravenblacknightofficial to order the cd or album go to www.metalblade.com/ravenblacknight new film clip on the way to veiw some raven black night footage go to www.youtube.com/jimpetkoff ffor those asking about our first cd choose the dark you can get it in digital form from our store here in the future might have a repressing stay rocking metal and true hope to see you soon on the road check out reviews at metal news ,metal as a relgion,xxl rock,blast mag[germany],scream magazine[norway] rock tribunel[belguim],hard rock france,rock hard italy,storm bringer[austria],metal hammer england,metal maniacs,planet mosh,female first[u.k],metal hammer,rock hard germany metalized scandavia many more show your support and stay metal and free jim

barbarian winter reviews singles cd

hey all brothers and sisters of metal new cd barberain winter out this fri give it a listen e stay rockin www.metalblade.com/ravenblacknight stream the new singal I cam bleaive I nned sine sleep

barberian winter out in feb

come and check out the new raven black night page on metal blade www.metalblade.com/ravenblacknight

raven black night sign with metal blade records

hi metal brothers and sisters me and my metal brother rino can say we are honoured to sign the band to metal blade records much respect we hope you can join us on a long journey long live metal stay free and true jim www.facebook.com/ravenblacknightofficial and and www.metalblade.com

Scott Finch
Scott Finch  (almost 12 years ago)

Congratulations!! All the best.

raven black night news

hi brothers and sisters of metal been quite on the reverbnation front,me jim the white knight and rino the raven have some exciting news for the band in the comming weeks,we hope will bring raven black night to the masses of metal warriors more on that soon,we also have been writng some great new materail we cant wait to play,for those in adeliade on sun may 20th we play with the legandary ripper owens at fowlers live more till then stay metal and free

welcome to raven black night on reverbnation

mighty hails to all our brother and sister metal warriors we are new to reverb nation,we have some songs from our debut cd choose the dark to listen to and some new photos,we will get some songs from our upcomming cd barberian winter on here two.me and jim the white knight and rino the raven cant wait to release the new cd we are already writing the next cd/release and jamming intensly with phil the bezerker on drums the big tom the executioner is helping out on bass duties while chris is touring with his other bands.spread the word and rember we are still on myspace www.myspace.com/ravenblacknight and also facebook www.facebook.com/ravenblacknight we are also on you tube if you do a search we have again sold out of choose the dark pressing but try hellion records germany,evil legand records america or cd baby for any copies left stay metal and stay true jim the white knight hope to see you on the road