
Alphard One / Blog

Release of Debut CD, Alphard The Solitary 1, Postponed One Week

Good morning, Phans of Alphard. If you are reading this for the first time (this is my very first blog on Reverbnation--don't ask why it took me so long...LOL), filching through the playlist of Alphard, and are wondering just where are the free downloads of Alphard debut CD music tracks and the equally impressive TunePak. They aren't quite ready yet--and I would like to take this time to extend my most sincere apologies to everyone who has dropped by my Reverbnation profile so far and expected to have all 16+ tracks of the debut CD available for downloading today from 12AM this morning to 12AM Sunday morning. Something came up (let's just say that it involved family and I'll leave it at that) and has forced me to postpone the debut for another week; as a result, it won't be today (12-11-2010) as originally planned, but it will take place, instead, on 12-18-2010 a bit closer to Christmas. Meanwhile, on the week ending on 12-11-2010, a rendition of Little Drummer Boy will be uploaded as well as a few other Christmas carols that have to be heard to be believed. I'm more than certain that Santa will be able make checking his list twice much easier by feeling that Audio Flavor by The Solitary 1. Ho, Ho, ho. So, the debut CD/free downloadable tracks/Tunepak is back on course. Stay tuned and keep listening. Peace, Alphard ;o)