
Alphard One / Blog

A Change Has Come (Redux)...

A Change Has Come... Wednesday, May 1 @ 1:05 AM

It's been a long, long time coming, but I know change's gonna come...

Oh, yes it will! --Sam Cooke (RIP)

What's good , Convinced and Converted! It's been close to four years since I had any spare time to actually write a blog here on Reverbnation, and in light of what I'm going to announce, I suppose that now, May 1, 2024, is as good a time as any.

This is the gist of said announcement:

After having the privilege of sharing with all of you my unique take on my favorite music genres--Electronic, Ambient, 1990s Boom Bap-style hip hop, and EDM--for 13 years, yours truly has decided to give this music profile a complete changeover. One of the first noticeable--and most important--changes is centered around the focus on cover songs. They will not be based on any current music by current established artists; rather they will covers of music from Hip Hop, TV series/social media series, movies, classic Saturday morning TV shows, entrance theme music from pro-wrestlers and/or video game OSTs (original soundtracks).

My original music will remain readily available for streaming on my YouTube music channel and Soundcloud and I will upload a music video randomly on Reverbnation.

This is a decision made in consideration of the mixed reaction to the original music I have uploaded since 2018, as well as the prospect of a hopefully more positive reaction that cover songs seem to have over even less than casual music fan across many core demographics.

In summary, think of this is as a trial-and-error type run: only cover music will be uploaded, whereas the original music will be reserved for my YouTube channel, Soundcloud profile and the upcoming Instagram in early June. Let's give it a go and see what happens. Peace out!

The Meaning Behind MX/XMMXX

What's good, Phans of Alphard? Yesterday morning, on June 10, one of my good friends who is also a graphic artist (the one responsible for all of the logos and interrelated graphics adorning this profile and a Phan of Alphard, Convinced and Converted, by the way) created the cover photo for this month. It not only indicates that I've been on Reverbnation since October 2010, but also contains a subtle message: the Roman numerals MX/XMMXX.

From what I have gathered from Roman numerals is that "M" means 1000 and "X" means 10. Two M's combine to represent 2000 and, in turn, two X's make 20. M X/X MMXX translates to 1000 10/10 2020.

As of October, later this year, yours truly, the Lord of LFO Funk will have been on Reverbnation an entire decade--which will be on October 10, 2020. In addition, I am very grateful to have received an influx of new fans recently within the past few weeks in light of the new creative direction I've taken since January. Which has given me yet another idea. Bear with me for a sec...

I would like to reach fan #1000 by October and will address in greater detail how I will go about achieving this in an upcoming email to be sent later this month.

Will yours truly, the Lord of LFO Funk, obtain his 1000th fan by October 2020? We'll see...

YourFavoriteMarshian  (over 3 years ago)

It's been nearly 6 months since the 10th anniversary of your debut here on Reverbnation and I'm astonished over the fact that your music profile still hasn't reached 1000 fans. :(

I'll tell you this though: the music fans of the 2020s just don't know what they're missing...

Some Friends Of Mine Gave Me An Excellent Idea...

What's good, Phans of Alphard?

While it was true that I vowed to hit the figurative reset button as far as promotion of my music was concerned, what came equally as apparent was trying to find a means of standing out from the vast multitude of independent musicians out there and make it convincing. Much of what my close offline friends had proposed can be the found in the description section of my Soundcloud profile. They figured that, well, considering that KBP (Kremlin Blok Party) Month takes place every year during the month of March and now Ambient April is going to be in April, I ought to showcase certain songs during certain months. In other words, place songs in rotation so that the playlist will maintain some degree of diversity.

Now, I already pointed out that Kremlin Blok Party appears on the playlist predominantly in March and in now that it's the middle of April, most of the songs showcase my unique take on the Ambient genre; in addition, Happy Noodsta Day is forthcoming later on this month on the 25th, which coincides with ANZAC Day in Australia and New Zealand. This was an idea pitched to me by one of my friends who hails from AU and used to go by the nickname Noodsta (A long story shorten here, but I will explain it in greater detail in my next blog).

Next month, another great song of mine, Antaeus Envy, will be added on the playlist as well as an unnamed Ambient-style song based on Victoria Day in CAN. Other songs will be added as filler on the playlist and are slated to be there all year round.

In summary, much of the music heard on the playlist will be in rotation--added or removed depending on the occasion. Very few musicians, at least to the best of my knowledge, are doing this; so yours truly, the Lord of LFO Funk looks forward to hopefully being the first.

In the meantime, allow me to continue thanking you all for your support and for being a Phan of Alphard--Convinced and Converted. Until the next blog...

One Love, Alphard One

YourFavoriteMarshian  (about 4 years ago)

Hey, Alphard, I recently heard Noodsta's Groove this ANZAC Day weekend and immediately afterwards, I, A. Dolph and the rest of the gang at AMm LLC drew the same conclusion: Aussie Boom Bap, which is completely original and produced exclusively by you, is destined to become the new subcategory within what my fellow Australians have in Australian Hip Hop. you are clearly in a class by yourself.

I am also fully support your rotation of different songs on different months. KBP Month in March, Ambient songs in April and August and, of course Noodsta Day in April and December. That upcoming Youtube video on how the Noodsta Saga all came about and the related blog that's soon to be posted here should be very interesting.

ADolphDaKrumpingKanuckEh  (about 4 years ago)

I believe it is a great idea to have certain tracks in rotation on the playlist periodically, insofar as keeping the same songs on said playlist month after month might prompt your fans to lose interest fairly quickly.

The new remix of Noodsta's Groove is...AU-some! That was excellent timing to upload it on ANZAC Day. Aussie Boom Bap sounds better than any iteration of Australian Hip Hop yet, in my humble opinion. No one has either confirmed or denied this because only a small majority of the 877 fans you have currently has had the privilege to hear Noodsta's Groove. And those who have not heard it do not know what they're missing. Like I said Noodsta's Groove--and ANZAC Day--are AU-some. Lest we forget... :)

After listening to Citadel, Freya and the new Metatron (Heaven Bond Koto Remix) all month long during Ambient April, I have a much better understanding of why Spring is my favorite of the four seasons. Yet it's just started and in light of the current pandemic, I could use something far more relaxing and easier to listen to and your music fits that bill perfectly. I'm excited about the prospect of you showcasing your Ambient music twice a year, in both April and August. If Ambient April sounded cool with what you had on your playlist this month, one has to wonder what erythritol you have planned for our eardrums in May...

Alphard One
Alphard One  (about 4 years ago)

Hey, Lydia, A. Dolph! What it do?

Happy Belated 43rd Birthday to you, Lydia. I hope ANZAC Day was cool, although from what I understood given the current Covid-19 outbreak, there weren't any parades or festivities this year. I'm keeping all of the current Ambient tracks, as well as Noodsta's Groove on the playlist for another 5 days, then they'll be replaced by Antaeus Envy. It's called 5MD (5 More Days), if I'm not mistaken.

I have something cool in store for you and your fellow Canadians, A.Dolph on May 18th. Just know that it's dedicated to Queen Victoria. Even though I'm no Canadian, I am down with May Two-Four.

After Being A Mist-r since 2K10, It's Time For A Name Change!

What's good Phans of Alphard?

A little over 24 hours ago, I made clear in a status update that major changes were going to be made to my profiles and interrelated online presence from a promotional and, equally, creative standpoint.

For me, one of the immediate changes I chose to make is my stage name, as of April 1, 2K19. Those who have been with from day-one-ish, on Oct 2K10 and a little more recently since 2K14 have known me as Mist-r Alphard. Now, after a great deal of introspection--and some motivation from some very kind people I met at a local low-budget comic book convention last September, I've decided to change my name--a name that sounds more marketable, more professional and hopefully will be more appealing to attract new music fans. Yes, those kind of fans--Phans of Alphard, Convinced and Converted.

The brand-spanking new name I refer to is Alphard One.

The music remains the exact same, only it's under a new alias. I believe it sounds much better than Mist-r Alphard and I am sure all will agree with that. It certainly beats wasting too many syllables using a long title like The Artist Formerly Known As Mist-r Alphard. LOL

Before I wrap this up, a reminder: It's Ambient April. The Lord of LFO Funk encourages visitors and Phans alike to drop by and listen to the first 4 tracks of the playlist once they grow tired of their favorite mainstream music artist(s) for the day. New Ambient tracks will be added within the following 2 weeks.

L.A.R.A--Let Ambient Resonate Again.


Alphard One

H8 (Hate) Putin, But At Least LV (Love) The Single (KBP)

What's good Phans of Alphard?

Once again I must apologize for my nearly 60-day absence from Reverbnation. I've been working on a few projects to make my some of my music profiles, including this one, more visible, in the spirit of pushing that creative reset button in 2K19.

To kickstart KBP (Kremlin Blok Party) Month, yours truly has replaced the previous version of the groundbreaking single with a newer one that reflects the 15th anniversary of the aforementioned single. Yeah, I probably mentioned that sometime last year, but KBP is now 16 years old (composed back in 2003, originally as a Yahama XG song) as of this month.

Despite what the current cover photo of the profile might lead the uninitiated to believe, I know relatively little about the current Russian leader Vladimir Putin and/or what atrocities he's been accused of committing in the past (with the exception of bullying Ukraine a few years ago). Kremlin Blok Party isn't about Putin--never had been, never will be. Like I said before, it's just a song, one that exemplifies the unique feel of my music in it earliest incarnation in 2003.

It's been brought to my attention that, during the last 3 years, I've received a lot of praise for KBP by music fans in the Russian Federation at my Soundcloud profile. They never knew that such a tune composed by an American could possibly capture the feel of Soviet synthpop/EDM in the manner that KBP has.

I understand wholeheartedly that with diplomatic tensions and distrust between us Americans and Russia has become heightened nearly to the same degree as it was during the Cold War in the 1960s and the Space Race of the 1950s, it might be difficult for most Westerners to have respect for anything related to Russia, let alone any Eastern European nation that's aligned itself with the super power nation.

Kremlin Blok Party, one of my greatest musical creations, is on neutral ground here and I believe that you, a Phan of Alphard, Convinced and Converted, will enjoy it regardless.

Go ahead and H8 (Hate) Putin, but at least LV (Love) the single. :)

ADolphDaKrumpingKanuckEh  (about 5 years ago)

Good morning, Alphard! I want to be counted as one of the masses who loves the single all of us Phans of Alphard--Convinced and Converted--have come to know as Kremlin Blok Party.

Vladimir Putin himself would be hard-pressed to find a reason to hate us Canadians; so I can't necessarily return the favor and hate him, like most Americans probably do. No offense. I will try to be as non-political as possible when I say this: It's my understanding that Russia's purported involvement in tampering with your country's presidential election back in 2016 seems to be hard voters to live down. I can't fault them for this. Once again, I'm Canadian, mind you; so I only know what little I've heard from Mr. Mueller thus far.

Still, you've created a cool-sounding catchphrase here--KBP: H8 Putin, LV the single. You couldn't have made yourself any clearer than that. Don't allow a negative opinion of the Russian president to give one a negative opinion on Soviet synth music. Coming from a synth music fan like myself, of course.

Before I get off the subject of Soviet synth music, what do think of this catchphrase--KBP (S4): The Soulful Soviet Synth Song? Feel free to hit me up and let me know what you think. Peace.

YourFavoriteMarshian  (about 5 years ago)

Hi, guys! A. Dolph already has been made aware of this and might now have told you, but after 6+ years, I'm back. I don't know about you, but I like the catchphrase, H8 Putin, LV The Single. Despite Mueller recently finding zero collusion in the 2016 US Presidential election. I myself don't hate Putin either, but I love Kremlin Blok Party nonetheless. The Month of the Soulful Soviet Synth Song is almost over. So, what do you have planned for April, if you don't mind me asking?

Now For Something Really Different--Ambient April

What's good, Phans of Alphard?

Now that KBP (Kremlin Blok Party) Month is over and done with, I'd like to share with you all what I've been working on since the first of this month. I was listening to some of my old unused instrumentals composed in 2003 while simultaneously watching a few lost episodes of Bullwinkle and Rocky and yet another extraordinary idea came to mind once Rocky said his catchphrase, "Now for something really different."

You might be asking yourselves what exactly this something is--that is different from what you've heard in this current playlist. It isn't another LFOstrumental and certainly not a Post Modern Thump (that's reserved for November, so you know). It's actually something called Ambient.

Introducing Ambient April-- every week during the month of April, yours truly will upload a special tune composed in an Ambient style. Two of them have been uploaded on the playlist as of April 8. Normally Ambient April would have made its debut on April 1; but with April Fools Day always falling on that date, I didn't want to give anyone the impression that it was a joke.

Freya and Metatron are the names of the first two Ambient songs in question and they are quite a departure from anything ever heard by fans of Ambient music (or any other genre, for that matter). But this special take on Ambient will be enjoyed nonetheless.

From The Youngest and The First, To The Eldest and The Last, All Will Be Moved--during Ambient April.

Let LFO Funk and LFO-ism Commence!

Kremlin Blok Party Month 2018 Begins Now!

What's good Phan's of Alphard?

Before I begin, I need to humbly apologize for the delay in getting KBP Month underway. Normally this should have been on the ground running 12 days ago, on exactly the 1st; but personal priorities put the launch on the backburner --i.e., working brutal OT at my own 9-5--and now lost time has to be made up.

How do I intend to do that, you might ask? Well, without trying to reveal too much of this spoiler, I have given a lot of thought into creating some merchandise based of some my best tunes, such as Antaeus Envy, ISO, and, of course Kremlin Blok Party. Both Antaeus Envy and KBP were composed some 15 years ago; therefore I truly believe they are entitled to an anniversary of some sort. The merchandise is question should debut some time later between the end of this month and the beginning of April. Whether they come in the form of apparel or other items--that is still up in the air. It's going to be a surprise and you all will love it--I can only say that much...

In the meantime, KBP is at the top of the playlist so you all are welcome to drop by and give it listen if you want. In the words of one of my best friends at Alphard Multimedia, LLC, "Stop Stalin and Start Lenin your ears to the bad-@ss sound of K-B-P!" Thank you for consideration for reading another informative blog from your truly and, as always, thanks for being a Phan of Alphard, Convinced and Converted.

Let LFO Funk and LFO-ism Commence! :)

The Thump is Near, The Thump is Now, The Thump is Here! (2K17)

What's good, Phans of Alphard?

After a long, 6-month hiatus, yours truly is back. I do apologize for this absence and realize that a lot can happen within those 6 months. I know that ratings and fanbase both took a sharp downward spiral since then, but I will get them back--no worries, no problemo. I wanted to move both Heaven and Earth to come back in time to announce Post Modern Thump Month, which, of course, is in the month of November.

To kick-start the Month of the Thump, I've added 2 new PMTs to the playlist and plan to create a new playlist for Post Modern Thumps on my Youtube channel sometime this month.

There will more to come all November long. From the Youngest and the First, To the Eldest and the Last, all will be moved.

Let LFO Funk and LFO-ism Commence!

Peace, Alphard

Noodsta's Groove To Be Available For Download on April 25th!

What's good, Phans of Alphard! :)

After posting Kremlin Blok Party as the promo song in my music profile's playlist, I came up with an idea:

Since March is KBP Kremlin Blok Party Month, August is slated to be XGstrumental Month and November is Post Modern Thump, I figured that it is long overdue that I provide a free download of some of my best tunes periodically. In other words, now that April is almost over, it seems only fair that I have at least one song available for download this month.

That song in question is Noodsta's Groove. It is one of my personal favorites, composed nearly 15 years ago and has a strong influence of boom bap in it. Beginning on Tuesday, April 25th, it will be available as a free download. But only on the 25th--one day only.

Noodsta's Groove video will also make its debut on Youtube on the 25th, as well as Kremlin Blok Party. If you have a Youtube channel, I urge you to visit my channel--Share, Like, Comment, and/or Subscribe.

The long wait for those aforementioned videos is over and I, the Lord of LFO Funk, am excited. In the words of Hannibal Smith of the A-Team would say, "I love it when a plan comes together."

Let LFO Funk and LFO-ism Commence!

One Love,

Mist-r Alphard ;o)

The Thump Is Here!

What's good, Phans of Alphard?

Beginning November 1, there will be a few new additions to the playlist--some unique instrumentals which I have dubbed Post Modern Thumps. Both versions will be showcased, the XG Original Mix and LFO Funk remixes and more will be added throughout November. Stay Tuned.

I hope you will enjoy. From the youngest and the first, to the eldest and the last, all will be moved.

P.S.--I'm once again #1 Rank in Blanch. I was confident that it would only be a matter of time before reclaimed it. What's next? Improve the ranking regionally--it doesn't do any harm to reach for the stars. :)