
Rate this Record Dance Music Network

Los Angeles, CA


Visits: 93

Bio: Rate this Record Dance Music Network was formed in December, 2007. The new Internet based music group experienced its most exciting and prosperous year soon after in 2008. The Network on line at www.RatethisRecord.com creates and hosts a number of unique music media projects throughout the calend... See Full Bio




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  • Rate this Record Dance Music Network (Label) Rate this Record Dan...
    Definitely interested in your band. Sign up here http://www.pro-ent.com/GreenEntertainment/ and keep up with the scene at www.RatethisRecord.com
  • L.O.M. (Love of Music) (Artist) L.O.M. (Love of Music)
    I can make you dance!!! We are currently looking for a manager so please review our music and get back to us. Our music is a mixture of Club/Hip Hop/RnB/Rock. Check it out.
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