
Marcus Sugg


Visits: 105

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Bio: Drummer from age seventeen to present and working on becoming good at it. Playing for local Artist Keyla Reed. Brought up in music after learning guitar at age nine. "In my family, someone has an instrument no matter what occasion it is. Music is just who we are!" His parents wrote and traveled d... See Full Bio



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  • Chuck Brunicardi (Artist) Chuck Brunicardi
    Thank you Marcus for stopping by. Your support is greatly appreciated. LA best wishes.
  • Mo Bic (Artist) Mo Bic
    Cool stuff - like me, https://www.facebook.com/mobicmusic The Album "MEIN BLICKWINKEL" now obtainable at Amazon and Musicload . You will find the link on my hom...
  • Marcus Sugg (Fan) Marcus Sugg
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