
Wakah Chan / Press

“Wakah Chan rubs the funk on a brand of Bluesified Jazz-Rock that has captivated Asbury audiences up and down the boardwalk for decades it seems. NO! Wakah Chan is not a troupe of Twilight-like vampires, an unaging collective of acidic-sax sporting gypsies, with super strength, and a taste for the life source of pork-pie hat wearing virgins. That being said, the not so free form four-piece does recall a time when the gin-swigging speakeasies of the underground were the preferred music venue of choice..."”

“With a scene that is so heavily dominated by punk and indie rock, Wakah Chan’s “acid lounge jazz & avante-garde funk” is a refreshing find. Predominately landing in the category of jazz music, the group creatively incorporates elements of funk, blues, soul and worldly rhythms to resonate a feel-good, lighthearted mix of sounds. Wakah Chan’s music is reflective of their positive energy and sense of goodwill, and that is what took my interest in them to the next level.”

"This next Shoreworld band doesn’t follow trends or tie-dyed t-shirt directions. They don’t head down the wide and weary pathway of conformity and they sure as hell don’t listen to any record company big wigs when it comes to laying down their own unique sounds. Wakah Chan is a psychotropic free-form funk/acid lounge jazz ensemble whose roots in sophisticated improvisational jam are flavored with classic feel-good soul, tribal, Latin, dub, middle-eastern and R&B." "While Wakah Chan might not be for everybody, they probably don’t care. With their large and loyal following that digs their laid back approach to music, they’re going to continue to do very well. Yet another instrumental band that shows if the compositional skill is there, success can never be too far behind."

"if i had to sum up wakah chan into three words it would be "vibrantly channeled spirit" that hits notes of Freedom, Movement, and Joy seamlessly"

Caitlin Mcgrory - Fan Quotes

"If ya cant groove to that, you aint got no soul"

Mark - Fan quotes

“I get it, and dig it. Sounds great, like the smell of sex, on a multi-sensual level. Ya gotta keep it FUNKY.”

Cosmo Ohms