
Thom Schroeder / Press

“Thanks for sharing Ferocity And Fragility ... I especially like the dramatic and haunting melodies in part three ...”

Nicole - Songwriters in Seattle

“... Just listened to Ferocity & Fragility - I'm at a loss for words; very moving music - I got goose bumps ...”

Kathy Quiring Reece - Facebook

“... I'm astonished to the point of sorrow at how beautiful this stuff is. All of it ... music that is somewhere between the sound that the universe makes as it spins, and the melody that exits two lover's mouths as they kiss. Incredible.”

Misty - Blogger

“... I'm sitting here listening to your music and I'm absolutely falling apart. It's beautiful ...”

Matthew Meadows - Reverbnation

“... Great mix of classical and rock ... reminds me of Brahms and Rick Wakeman all rolled up in one - incredible work ...”

Kath - Flickr

“... Amazing ...”

Bardak - Blogger

“... Oh my God. Thom - this is utterly amazing ... I'm speechless ...”

Kristen - Blogger

“Awe. Some.”

Martin - Blogger