
The Major Tom Experiment / Press

“Dreamer is bizarrely cool. I get an 80's Information Society vibe. Ooooh I just got to the breakdown! Actually felt that falling feeling in my gut. Nicely done, sir.”

In Fell Traitors - Reverbnation

“aaaah I knew that with such a name I would not be dissapointed, very cool electro, well crafted* Thanks for becomonig friends on here* I'll be back. DREAMER ACE TRACK! All Best Jay”

“Hi Mark... really enjoying the vibe here... Some great grooves and ideas. Love the way you build...' Moonrise' is wicked”

The World of Subduction - Reverbnation

“Rich and quite extraordinary soundscapes, some quite astounding in their impact! Love the sound! Some i can feel in my soul, I swear!!”

Salariatus - Reverbnation

“Ryo Utasato: Hello Dear Mark, Absolutely fantastic your music! I love your universe, Warmest greetings from Tokyo”


“Running Vertical: wow your song "moon rise" gets really good. what a sweet track to play in a movie score.”


“TLT50: MTE..,...excellent....has a superb vibe...cool progression.... really enjoyed the vox....and the awesome strings/pads parts. !!! Mark....BRAVO..!!! May 27”
