
MusicXray / Comments

runaway hudson
runaway hudson  (almost 13 years ago)
We are your best pop band - Runaway Hudson
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Cool guys, currently listening at your tracks =)
WANTISO  (almost 13 years ago)
Music xray,thank you very much for helping us indie musician on this journey.
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Welcome Che Walter. We are always happy to help. Good luck on your journey as it continues =)
Chaos Theory
Chaos Theory  (almost 13 years ago)
Music XRay is a crazy awesome outlet for artists!!!!! Tons of great stuff!!!
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks for the compliment Chaos Theory! Glad to hear you're enjoying. More to come =)
BROK  (almost 13 years ago)
Kind regards MUSIC XRAY !!! Rock on!
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thank you Brok! We appreciate it. Keep Rockin' =)
DITRADEM  (almost 13 years ago)
Hello,thanks for your support, have a great day, best regards, DITRADEM
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
You are welcome Ditradem. We are always happy to support in a way we can. Have a great day too and thanks for checking us out. =)
Charleigh  (almost 13 years ago)
Stopping through to play your tunes again!! Have a fab day rock star xx
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks Charleigh. We appreciate you stopping by our page. Have a great day Charleigh =)
Dillon Jagger
Dillon Jagger  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks for your support MX. Great sounds here...
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
You are welcome Dillon Jagger. We're always happy to support you in a way we can. Yes there is a lot of great music here. We are so lucky to have a lot of talented artist in our family.
TRAFIKO  (almost 13 years ago)
Love your work !!
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks Trafiko!
TRAFIKO  (almost 13 years ago)
GREAT TALENT !!! Love your work !!
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thank you Trafiko. We're happy to have a very talented and active artist like you. You make us smile in your simple ways =)
BLACK LUNG  (almost 13 years ago)
Most people would rather be certain they're miserable, than risk being happy.Man is fond of counting his troubles, but he does not count his joys.
MusicXray  (almost 13 years ago)
Thanks a lot for sharing this quote. It's really inspirational. People should really learn to see the positive sides instead of the negative sides. =)