

Sean Madden
Sean Madden  (over 15 years ago)
Hey Misloc. I just read your profile! Well since I just started making beats; I am currently working with about 8 artists; but have yet to figure out their intentions, drive, and quality. We will see, and I hope to have full songs with the lyrics up soon. I will let you know when those are out. Thank you for the compliments on my beats. I appreciate that a lot! -Sean
Johnny Allen and the Heartical Symphony
Johnny Allen and the Heartical Symphony  (over 15 years ago)
Greetings And Love MISLOCSPWRECORDS, Respect Raspect I Give Thanks And Praises For The Love, Support And Connection !!!!!!! Please Keep The Link !!!!!!! Blessed Love Always
Alchemic Journey
Alchemic Journey  (over 15 years ago)
One more time thanks ! :o) About : "provide more & in length"... I'm working on. :o) Keep in touch ! Best regards, juan, From Alchemic Journey
Alchemic Journey
Alchemic Journey  (over 15 years ago)
Hi there, Your podcasts are fun, and... http://misloc.podomatic.com/player/web/2008-09-16T23_39_25-07_00 (...excellent !) ;o) best juan
MISLOCSPWRECORDS  (over 15 years ago)
Thank you for the wonderful comment and happy that you enjoyed my rock episode. Please continue to visit my podomatic shows and I will continue to check out your great music as well. Misloc
MaddKProductions  (over 15 years ago)
Thanks For being a fan,I'm very excited about this and I'll soon upload more tracks to come. THANKS AGAIN.
Alchemic Journey
Alchemic Journey  (over 15 years ago)
Hey there, Mislocspwrecords :o) Thanks to take a look about our music stuff, and to be fan ! Very touching. I'm come check you page on details soon, good grooves seem to be covered ! With pleasure... Best regards Juan
Habbit Forming Music Inc.
Habbit Forming Music Inc.  (about 16 years ago)
Thank you very much and this is a moment for me and I hope you will find more to your liking Gary williams bless you.